Remembrance of a Mom - Howard & Angeline Church Ceremony
Photographer: Benjamin Lim
Howard and Angeline are both cabin crew from Emirates and they both resides in Dubai. Howard from Kuwait and Angeline is Malaysian. This is one of the most heart breaking incident that we ever encounter as a photographer. A week before the wedding day, Angeline made a call to me and she was crying on the phone to tell me that her mom had just passed away and she couldn't bare the sadness. I felt very strongly with her and we postponed the pre-wedding shoot which supposed to happen a day after. And we postponed the wedding day to next year. However, the church ceremony still runs like usual. They got the church ceremony a day after the wedding day so I got to leave the job to my buddy Benjamin Lim to cover the church ceremony himself but we do all the internal editings. When I received the pictures from Benjamin, I can sensed the emotions that flows during the ceremony, everyone was very quiet, sad, a little bit of joy but inside of everyone is silence. The ceremony went very casual, not many guest arrived. Most of the people were heart brokened and unable to bare the news. And I waited for Angeline to heal. At the moment I wish I was there shooting, and over editing, I thought if I can do anything to make her happier. But I guess I leave that to time. Really sorry to hear the news Angeline, but after what we have gone through, we built a different friendship.