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Baby Evan's Life Portrait (2nd Stage)

Often times, beautiful things expresses not just the outward form but within a life of the individual. I believe many mom and dad would agree with me that, sometimes things must not be beautiful from the outer perspective but many times came from the inner self. That was the reason we did this shot purely expresses their daily lives with the baby like how they taken care of baby Evan, and how they love Evan from the purest actions, creating memories that will be valuable after many years. Baby Evan come to the world 8 weeks earlier, yes he was a premature baby. The moment I met this couple I found that their personality had totally changed compared to my first visit. The funny daddy became a very soft human being, and pretty mommy had had taken away her conscious of being beautiful, it was no longer important anymore at the very moment, all they want to see is baby Evan growing up slowly and healthily. Their changes had moved me and had really surprises and touched me deeply. Tho mommy Mourice was still trying learn how to take care of this fragile little boy. I guess it was an amazing journey that surpasses all journey in life, even with their wedding pictures are unable to beat that moment of importance. Therefore, my love began to grow stronger, my heart had became softer. And suddenly I realised that, it is not the beautiful scenes that I love to capture, it is LIFE that caught my interest.