Under the Sunshine - Johnny & Iris Pre-Wedding in London and Santorini
Just right before their wedding day in Santorini we covered Johnny and Iris pre-wedding in both London and Santorini, we had a simple session in London Hyde Park, not the usual ones as its all garden style, thats what usually local prefer how their engagement session to me, not with those iconic architectures and such, so we gave them a little beloved session to arouse some of their emotions and continue discover each other again before heading to Santorini. As this time we did not fly over a make up artist from Malaysia so Iris did her make up on her own with a simple hair and minor make up, the sun and the ambience have added credit to the shots, we were very lucky to have such a nice sun throughout the whole session, however I also wish that we could discover even more places for the pre-wedding shot hehe, and we finished off with a divine golden hour light in Hotel Galini, this is where they will have their wedding day very soon. When I first met up with Iris in London, I hardly catch what she has to say with her very UK accent but it was ok, she was indeed a quiet type with well mannered personality, thought her inner self was filled with all the excitement like love of good food and always wanted to explore the world in an intellectual way. We had a good chat over Facebook before my journey to London and there was once she told me one thing that touches my soul, where Iris and Johnny was going on with hard times in life where Johnny was still desperately looking for a job for many months where they almost about to call off the wedding due to this reason, as all the deposit has been paid, Iris still decide to go forward with the idea with a very positive mind and telling me that they will work things out for this very special day. I never thought a person that I have not spoken a few before can express their most genuine self to me, I guess every relationship there is something to be struggling for and everyone must have gone through something in their lives for something better, the matter is whether both person willing to work together to achieve to that destination. Yes, sometimes I get something touching from people's bride, sometimes they will share with me things that inspired me to move further, that is why I set sail to develop pictures that may be possible to prolong a person relationship rather than damaging in unconscious way. That remains as my motto ever since.