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The Pixel Cloth

This CNY finally decided to buy myself a Macro lens. Yup, its the Canon 100mm 2.8L IS Macro. I don't think I am very good at shooting macro but its fun to play with it. Just want to share with you this shot I just took while facebooking. :p Didn't realize this is my computer screen hehe... So I named it The Pixel Cloth. Look like a cloth though. For you. Happy Valentines Day!

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The Ritual of Contemplation




Love the sunrise, of course I do love sunset but sunrise its just different. It brings hope and joy, though they both look the same but its different through experience. This is a ritual of joy, he is the summoners of soul. She dances, prays, and longing towards the sunrise for contemplation. I call it the song of transparency, uniting our souls through this ritual of happiness. This is no longer a story to me, its a poem. A poem that reflects eternity. We seldom embrace the sun, but this morning, the sun had spoken with me, he told me not to worry about the shots, just shoot with your heart, just be friend with me, just hope. Thanks for hiring me to shoot this portraiture in Kelantan. Really enjoyed it.



Macau for Romance

Finally had time to do some personal travel. Travel alone to Macau was fun. Love the cozy weather and the sceneries. Discovered plenty of places for pre-wedding. If I have the chance, I would recommend my couple to this destination for pre-wedding. Excited to try it out. :D



Chee Kuan's Gown

Siang Wee's (Jackal) and Chee Kuan's wedding was quite cool, their encounter to the bride's room was an easy one but still many things had captured under the wedding, over 800 pics was captured during the morning session. The shadow of one of Chee Kuan's plan caught my attention because it matches her gown pattern. Therefore, I quickly captured it and it became the picture and the theme of that day. Felt very glad when the slideshow was played during the dinner and noticed that everyone was watching it silently. It was a great joy to me. Congratulate Siang Wee and Chee Kuan, and thanks for using my pictures for your ROM slideshow. And I was touched when I saw my picture is settling beside your bed. I began to realized that we do play a big part in their lives. Thanks x10000.



Memory of Jason & Pooi Yee

Jason and Pooi Yee had their memorable wedding. The venue was simple but the content was abundant. I can see that Pooi Yee really treat her wedding seriously and hoping that her wedding will be a memorable one. I really put a lot of effort on to the slideshow as I want her to know that her memories were all captured in detail, including her emotions. Pooi Yee cried while Jason poured out his one and only song for Pooi Yee (When you say nothing at all), glad I have this song in my pc and I used that song for the slideshow right away, hoping it can simulate the feeling for them. :) Thats why I called it, the memory.



Sexy Sexy Wish


Kar Heng and Sher Li had their pre-wedding taken successfully. Due to raining season, it was tough to catch the right day but we managed to do the second part of the pre-wedding indoor. Thanks to the sexy bride, just love her eyes and her lips. Made the whole series in a sexy manner. Which explained that both couple are sexily in love. Sher Li and Kar Heng met each other and have been dating for less than 6 months and they have decided to get married. Both couples are filled with love and passionate love. Love the way they kiss.


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The Mystic Globe

 Love this picture, love the kissing shot where Bryan & Grace had this pos for 1 minute, enough time for me to capture mostly all angles. The morning session was challenging as it involved around 30 heng dai and 15 brides mates. Another sweet wedding dinner to share for all.

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Selections of 2009


Selections of wedding assignments carried out in 2009, for memory and encouragements. Hope you enjoyed. :)

"Happiness is building a relationship" You may noticed that most pictures I selected are with the eyes closed, which I believe that visible things are not the only thing that represents in a pictorial presentation, sometimes the process and story behind their minds also spoke through the pictures. :) 2009 was a wonderful year and it may be the most memorable time in my photography, thanks to everyone that supported me, helped me, encouraged me, and lead me to swing through this wonderful year. Thank You all.....



The Little Soul - Too * Emei

Always is the little soul that cheer things up, I believe all of us has a little soul, which reflect on Emei's expression. Too and Emei had went through 11 years of relationship which began from college to adulthood. It was a touching moment to see them went that far and finally celebrating their big day. A new chapter begins, and still begin with a little soul. When Emei looked at Too, she felt her younger days appeared infront of her, same as Too I believe. Their college days, and the days she waited for Too to come back from College. It was a touching moment.
