I met Choon Hoe and Hui Ee not long before their actual wedding day. I am very lucky to be meeting so many nice people around me and have been very nice to me. I guess it is a gift from God that have given such blessing that made my work a unique one. Hui Ee is a girl that longing for her fantasies in her wedding but I knew that she has certain reserves in her heart. She has her own ideals and believes but she doesn't want the rest to be burden with her ideals. During her make up session I knew that she wanted a younger look but it seemed that she was not so happy with it. From that moment I hoped that I could comfort her heart by creating something that meet her ideals. And so I created a 'dream'. A slideshow that constantly reflecting her dream, longing for man to walk into her heart. I not sure if she really felt it but I am sure she knew what I tried to reflect one day. No matter any unpleasant encounters, the beautiful things lies within our heart.