Finally made the choice to list my works under HIPLIST 2010, hopefully this move can allow more Malaysians to understand my passion and work. A lot of time had spend on selecting pictures to be listed in the HIPLIST as I really want folks to know what are the unique elements that I have always been striving to reflect; not a photography about myself but a series of photographs that I have tried very hard to reflect the couple's person in total. I hope this small little contribution can bring slight enlightenment of what is the true reason of us hiring a photographer. Which is not to shoot something like in the magazine or fantastics poses but something to remember in their lives, this is somehow the original reason of why people hire a photographer right? All these pictures listed, they are, somehow, pieces of metaphors that I have been trying to expressed to bring out their journey of love. Its something that they won't allow to sit in their bookshelf and collect dust, reason being memories are there to be recalled.
