If I were to described what was the most meaningful wedding that I have ever shot, this is one of them, especially the tea ceremony session which I almost fall to tears. If you ask photographers, the most boring part might be the tea ceremony part but to me, this is one of the most important part of the session, and I got dozens of it, simply observing the flow.

Shot Daniel and Jessica's pre-wedding a while ago and finally its the day to display the unique theme that we had. It was a unique event where many of Jessica's faculty members from his university came over and filled with professors and intellectual groups, the event was held quite different, something like the Nobel Price group dinner LOL. It was quite an emotional day. Where Jessica was actually born in China and raised in Singapore with her parents, her dad was invited over to one of the university in Singapore to teach when Jessica was young. Daniel and Jessica shared a lot of their thinking and dreams over the dinner and made her parents proud. After we head back to the bridal suite in Ritz Carlton, he had was pretty emotional and spoke about his stories and love for Jessica, everyone was just sitting there and listen.

The tea ceremony was one of the most meaningful that I have seen, when Daniel and Jessica handed over the cup of tea to Jessica's parents, her dad did some talking and he took out a red packet from his pocket, and inside is a letter from her uncle. And he started to read the letter emotionally, and after reading the letter, he drank the tea with a fully accepted heart. I'm sure a lot of people would have such blessings but how her dad had expressed it out became meaningful, every words of it. And I still remember the way when he shake Daniel's hand, it was tight and assured, knowing that Daniel would take her of Jessica forever. 

Thank you uncle and aunty for having me, and Daniel and Jessica, I really enjoyed shooting your wedding day. And I hope those pictures are able to help recall those important moments of your lives. In lives, there is indeed an unending learning curve, and I have learned so much from you all.
