Michael and Veron was a smooth and easy one. Both of them wanted something natural and authentic. When we spoke with each other everything just click. Both of them has always the award holder of "The most laughter" list. Yes they laughed all the wa in the session LOL. Well I was worried at first because they might be too stressful lol, but I guess those are real. Michael's work is all about meat works, we shared a lot about the veef industry and such. Both of them are just too cute LOL. I still remember our giant pizza session in between the shoot, and another moment I can't forget is the moment Michael receives the album and gave me a big thank you, he really mean it. They ordered a second album for their family ^^... I felt a little regret about our last good bye because I was meeting another couple while they came over to pick up the album. Well I wish both of you all the best, and do update us. :)
