​I was very excited when Zairin & Jiyi engaged my for their personal wedding ceremony in beautiful Andaman Resort Langkawi, where both of them will be flying all the way back from UK for this small little celebration. The wedding reception is a unique one where this is in fact a Malay wedding ceremony. One of our memorable encounter was the weather, right before the wedding ceremony starts a small down pour began and both Zairin and Yiyi was in fact getting a little nervous and Zairin said that the rain will not last long and we waited for it to stop. Thank God that it did, we all doesn't want all the effort to wasted for this small little rain. The sky show a lot mercy in this event, the rain actually hold on until the luncheon actually ended. And we did a couple of portraitures around Andaman area, until the rain gets heavy again. They are both lovely couple, sometimes I do felt that those peeps that came back over from UK are in fact quite genuine and real, well this is just my experience hehe. 
