We are proud to announce our new home - Le Petit Studio. A place where everything begins and operates, please do not confused as Le Petit Studio is just a name for the location, where our name Dennis Yap Photography* still remain as our brand. :) Well, there are some changes to our new operation where by Dennis Yap Photography* is no longer just a product of a person but a team effort. I am proud to invite Kevin Tan and Cliff Choong over, together with Su Li, Brenda and Ivan in the team. Thank you very much, sometimes things just happened like miracle, where it all started just from a conversation. 

One day Jeff asked for a coffee and I said yes, and we spoke about the issues of getting the right partner and the topic just evolved to something great. Now Le Petit Studio is host by me and Jeff, if you do not know Jeff, he is a great person and a great wedding planner. We both see similar visions and together just coincident we have Remy Ngan in the house as well. Remy is a make up artist, she can really enhance a person's personality. In the house we have all the emotional ingredient to offer you something greater than you can imagine.

Over the years when I shoot alone as a photographer, I always wish that I could offer more to my clients, and sad to see some bride did not get the chance to hire me because of date clash. Well now you can at least see my souls in a more possible way, with Kevin and Cliff in the team as partners, we offer you the same vision and art so that more couples are able to enjoy our souls. We work consistantly in cheerful manner, striving to inspire many happy hearts, and melt even more souls. We now offer vareity of packages to meet the needs of many people. We did this just because of you, we love everyone of our couples and it is always happy to see them smile.

Many people had asked why I do not hire 10 photographers and grow a big team, well personality I do not like to be big. There is always negative things on bigger things, one of it is commercialized, and seldom last. What I would like to create is a small business like some well known food stores, where everyone knew about that store and over many years the taste never fades, it can recall your childhood memories. I feel that Malaysia is lacking of such business and therefore I plan to start something like this. Please continue to provide your support, and we will always strive to offer you something original. :)

Le Petit Studio will start its operation from 17th September onwards, as told by my mom, its a good date. :)


Dennis Yap, founder of Dennis Yap Photography*
