It was after a year that Howard and Angeline had finally got the chance to have their pre-wedding portrait taken, due to the death of her mom a week before her wedding day, they have to choice but to push forward her wedding arrangements a year after. It was a sad news for me while I remember Angeline were crying through the phone telling me the sad news. But this day, both of them revived the feeling today and we had lots of candids taken on this special day.

Both Howard and Angeline work as a flight crew in Etihad Airline and they wanted to take a chance to snap the picture with the aircraft so we went nearby KLIA for some shots and we had a wonderful time collecting memories in our new studio (Le Petit Studio) in Empire Gallery. Though they look very happy but I know that those words were kept within them, which recall the sad news happened a year ago. Therefore I delightedly created something for them, a theme called Without Words were created for Howard and Angeline, reflecting beautiful memories were not so much about words but through actions, and they both did great. And now waiting to cover their wedding day very soon.  

Angeline is one of the bride that I could not forget, because we had gone through many incident together and that had made our bond strong, and always hope that my pictures could cure those hard memories that had gone by. 
