Finally after a year I manage to start blogging about my wedding assignments again, I really love to look back those pictures again and recalling those essential feelings on mine during their big day. For those audience that reading this, I am actually blogging this on the day of 2014 July 20th. Yes, if I have missed it, happy anniversary to you Andrew & Chen Chin. I had been recalling those days we had while we in Bali shooting both of you in the water fall, while I was dipping myself on the river, yes, those challenging moments. And this day, we are all well dressed. It was a sweet feeling. Maybe I have not told you that, Andrew, you are one of the most sentimental guy that I have met, soft spoken and I can see that you really love Chen Chin very much. During the ROM, I just wish that it can be longer and the solemnised can talk a little more haha, reason because I really want to see Chen Chin in tears hehe. And yes she did, a little later during the dinner. I wonder what you have told her that touched her. Wish both of you happy, always. From the deepest part of me.
