
A night with Jazz and Laughters - Kok Hui & Cheryl Wedding Dinner 1

Few days after Kok Hui and Cheryl morning gate crash and now its their wedding dinner, they actually splited the dinner into 2 different parts, one for the groom side and one for the bride side. I can imagine how hard it is to RSVP so many people lol. However, thanks to Kok Hui's charisma he managed to get his buddies to accompany him all the way. Kok Hui love to sing and so as Cheryl's family too lol. Its a day felt like back to the 80s and every one love to hang around, listen to some jazz and able to hear many laughters around.



Day like tomatoes and french fries - Kok Hui & Cheryl Wedding Day

It was quite a funny gate crashing moment, this morning Kok Hui brought over a bunch of his old friends from the states, some of them are in fact my old friends during college. And over here you can also see Cliff Choong, one of our photographer here. Cliff, like usual, love to bring his guitar along in any occasions. And the Hawaii theme had made lots of people laughed lol. It was like going to a beach. Though we all were not young already but everyone are still quite alive and kicking, enjoying every step to receive Cheryl, and because of the funny theme, everyone has the courage to be crazy for a while. 



When we are together - Melissa Friendship Portrait

One day Lai Peng called me and would like to book me for a friendship portrait session, this portrait was a memory of the long friendship together and also to celebrate the birthday of their best buddy Melissa. We spent a few hours having picnic in Titiwangsa, played some kites and shoot some funny pictures lol. It was quite an interesting portrait, finally I can create something outside of my normal wedding assignments. I guess the theme fits them well, love the shot beside the tree, which reminds me of a recent popular taiwanese movie. But surprisingly Melissa called me one day and asked what was my theme behind the colors of these pictures, then I told her that it is a reflection of something light yet heavy, meaningful and joyful. Something unique that I have used.



Moment in the Sky - Yon Hon & Shiryee Wedding Reception

In this windy morning Yon Hon and Shiryee had their wedding reception on top of the sky lounge in Sentul. The ceremony was a simple and nice one but filled with love and sweetness. All from the master mind of Yon Hon. Known this couple a while ago while covering their pre-wedding session in Putrajaya, the concept that this couple had for their wedding is quite unique. The march in was simple, table setup were quite basic, the crowd were all standing, nothing much, but the ambient and the meaning that this couple brought forward was quite awesome. Thanks to both of you, wish you all the best after moving in Hong Kong. :)



New Adventure - Sean & Cindy Wedding Day

Right after celebrated new year and its nice to start day one covering Sean and Cindy's wedding day. Shot their love portrait a while ago so they are no strangers at all. But because Cindy's house is too big, we got Kevin Tan over to assist me for the day. It was a great morning, everything happened like a fairy tale theme. During the gate crash they even had a singing session with the piano in their house in order to receive the bride. Before dinner there was a blessing ceremony in the hotel. And during their march in, they got all the kids marching in with them with their baby motorized cars, not sure how to name that transport LOL. And later on there was a group of kids dancing ballet with them. Cindy is a unique one, she doesn't want fancy songs and she had selected a list of elegant classic songs for her wedding dinner. Thats why I felt that it was like a fairy tale. 

I still remember during Sean and Cindy's speech. She gave a toast for being an aunty and it was quite unique indeed hehe. And her dad was right, he mentioned that it is tough to raise Cindy as she has a lot of her own ideas in her mind, wanted everything perfect and according to her own way. It is quite ok, in life some people gone through their life process in a very smooth manner and of course we always striving to maintain the smoothness of it and had everything well planned. Cindy had me recalled of my younger days too, but after a part of my life that got me changed my perception, where I came to a point to believe that not everything supposed to belong to me, and from that point of time, I began to live a different perception. It just need a stage in life to change that.



Happy New Year!

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Finally I have survived the busiest year ever in my life, and with this new year coming ahead, I have a new vision! There are indeed many visions in my mind but it all comes back to contribution. In order to provide the best, I have decided to limit my slots to 80 this year. This is still a tentative number but what I want is to have more time for myself in order to brew my life for many years to come. I noticed that through experience, it is not photography that will kill our passion, it's not how busy we work, it all comes back to the people we meet. I wish the years to come I am able to meet more nice couples, crazy couples, couple who wanted to be crazy like me, having fun with me, and so that I can provide them many unique shots and great services lol. Do not panic, I am sure you all are very nice people indeed already, but I do wish that couple will not see wedding photograph like a corporate encounter, or treat me like a business vendor lol, all I want is simple to make new friends hehe that's why I quite my corporate life. Hoho.... For all of you who are ready to engage me, I can be sure that you will be treated like my bestest best friend haha... Happy new year!



Faith and Eternity - Ivan & Wendy Church Wedding in Melaka

Ivan and Wendy are wonderful peranakan, when I spoke with them Wendy said that she admire my works and began to chat with me once in a while. And finally its the wedding day, just love the christmas decorations which is still in the church after the christmas ceremony, made me feel like New York lol. Love capturing this very old church in Melaka, St Peters Church, the oldest church in Melaka. One of the funny incident we had was how the priest pronounces Wendy's name. The priest pronounced Wendy as "windy", so everyone talking about it LOL. Hope to be shooting here again very soon. Thanks for all your support Ivan and Wendy. Had a lovely tea ceremony session in Ivan's house too, the family is so friendly and down to earth.

That marks my last assignment in 2011, finishing a total of 110 assignments. That was quite an amazing achievement for me. 



A Day to Remember - Swee Wah & Wai Jinn Wedding Day

Done Swee Wah & Wai Jinn's pre-wedding a while ago, and its the day to tie the knot. Wai Jinn falls in the same gang with Lai Peng who is my previous couple as well. This wedding day was filled with emotions as well with lots of hugs and blessings. A lot of good essence being sealed here. We went through a few discussions and at first Wai Jinn did not know where to held her garden wedding, she wanted a garden wedding so gave her a few recommendations and they finally decided to go with Bangi Equatorial. Every family is different and the family of Wai Jinn I saw was filled with love and gentleness. Both of her mom and dad was very open minded person, they just able to provide the most emotional support for Wai Jinn, I guess that makes Wai Jinn with the most gentle and emotional character. Together with Swee Wah, who had been dating with together for almost a 10 years, I forgotten the number but its long. I guess the moment that they share their vows, the word in their mind is simply the word "Finally...".



Two World Become One - Daniel & Jessica Wedding Day in Singapore

If I were to described what was the most meaningful wedding that I have ever shot, this is one of them, especially the tea ceremony session which I almost fall to tears. If you ask photographers, the most boring part might be the tea ceremony part but to me, this is one of the most important part of the session, and I got dozens of it, simply observing the flow.

Shot Daniel and Jessica's pre-wedding a while ago and finally its the day to display the unique theme that we had. It was a unique event where many of Jessica's faculty members from his university came over and filled with professors and intellectual groups, the event was held quite different, something like the Nobel Price group dinner LOL. It was quite an emotional day. Where Jessica was actually born in China and raised in Singapore with her parents, her dad was invited over to one of the university in Singapore to teach when Jessica was young. Daniel and Jessica shared a lot of their thinking and dreams over the dinner and made her parents proud. After we head back to the bridal suite in Ritz Carlton, he had was pretty emotional and spoke about his stories and love for Jessica, everyone was just sitting there and listen.

The tea ceremony was one of the most meaningful that I have seen, when Daniel and Jessica handed over the cup of tea to Jessica's parents, her dad did some talking and he took out a red packet from his pocket, and inside is a letter from her uncle. And he started to read the letter emotionally, and after reading the letter, he drank the tea with a fully accepted heart. I'm sure a lot of people would have such blessings but how her dad had expressed it out became meaningful, every words of it. And I still remember the way when he shake Daniel's hand, it was tight and assured, knowing that Daniel would take her of Jessica forever. 

Thank you uncle and aunty for having me, and Daniel and Jessica, I really enjoyed shooting your wedding day. And I hope those pictures are able to help recall those important moments of your lives. In lives, there is indeed an unending learning curve, and I have learned so much from you all.



The Meaning of Tea Ceremony - 敬茶的意义

As a wedding photographer I've seen many tea ceremonies, hundreds of them and often times I can relate each and every one of them. Actually as an open minded person like me I often believed that the tea ceremony session are one of the most precious culture that Chinese has. However, often times I think that the elderly should be the ones who honor this session because they are the ones who needed to educate the young ones, about how precious and meaningful a tea ceremony session is. Before I dictate about the most common mistakes that most people made, let me just run through the process one by one together, so that you can have a wonderful and meaningful tea ceremony session.

1. The elderly should be sitting down, never feel shy to sit down because it is a tea ceremony, and the tea ceremony is just a ceremony that the elder people give blessings to the new generations. Some people claimed that they are modern people so should be standing, and that simply made the ceremony less meaningful. Regardless the person is modern or traditional, sitting down is also to show respect to the younger generations. Just sit down and give the person a smile if you want. When the person is looking up while sitting, the feeling of receiving the person is stronger.

2. When a person receives the tea, they should hold the tea cup with both hands. It may sound funny but if I photograph a person holding the tea cup with one hand, it seemed disrespect to the person that hand over the tea to the elderly with both hands.

3. When the person hand over the tea cup to the elderly, the person that hand over the tea should address the name that how the person relate to the other. This is the time when the person first address the elderly, and so that he or she may address her in such a way in the future. If this was not done, the person will not get the chance to address the elderly for the first time and might be hard to address it in real life. Due to the Asian introvert personality.

4. When the elderly receives the tea, he or she should finish the tea. Regardless how hot or how full it is, if the elderly concern about the hygenic issues, he/she should request that the tea cup to be cleaned properly first. If he/she did not finish off the tea when the person being addressed, it may seemed that the person is not fully being accepted. We should not feel shy to finish off the tea or made it looked like you are rushing for time due to the long que, you must enjoy the session, where someone is addressing you for the first time.

5. When the elderly finished off the tea, he/she should give some blessings. I know it may sound difficult to many people, but if we used our heart to accept the new person in the family, you will know what kind of blessings you should give, just a few nice and wonderful words from the heart will do. A lot of people skipped this step and if I am a person that is new to the family, I might felt that this person is very hard to talk with in the future because I did not hear what the elderly felt about our marriage.

6. After blessings is done, then only it is time to hand over your gift together with your partner (if you have one), not in between the ceremony. If you try to give a gift in between, the elderly might looked like he/she have a bad relationship with the partner.

7. If blessings is not enough and the elderly feel that you want to make a physical connection to address something in the heart, the elderly should be the first one who initiate it, such as hugs, hand shake and etc. 

8. Proceed with the next.

In the end, regardless on how you want to run the tea ceremony is up to the person, and it varies with different cultures. This is just a typical ones that I have seen in Kuala Lumpur. If you are a christian, it is fine to have tea ceremony, this is not religion, it is just part of our culture. Have wonderful session! You can print this out, show it to your parents and relatives before the tea ceremony, once they understand it, then you will have a wonderful and cheerful session. :) 

From the love of our team.

