
Chorus of Endurance - Robin & Becky Pre-Wedding in Penang

​Both Robin and Becky are doctors working in the UK, while Robin's family live in the South Africa, when Becky contacted me she had so many memories to be captured in Penang, one of it is her old family house abandoned on top of the Penang Hill, and another particular is the St Francis graveyard to express the serenity. Finally I found someone to capture some shots at the graveyard which I intended a while ago but nobody actually wanted that. We have so much in common in terms of how the shoot is run so Becky booked me for a 2 days shoot to cover all the locations she wanted to leave behind. 

The Chorus of Endurance is a theme created for both of them to celebrate those important moments together, in return it serve as an endurance in their love. It's like the Everquest game where the warrior requires endurance for further battle. Both couple are cheesy and love the camera so much and they can show any loveable moments ​in front of you, so natural and real. While celebrating 2 full days of intensive sessions, we ended our final destination at the graveyard, to signifies love last forever after death, its just like how the bible describes "To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health, to love and to cherish 'till death do us part. And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness."


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Memoirs of Adagio - Jerry & Sheryl Pre-Wedding @Korea

dennis yap photography pre wedding korea jerry sheryl memoirs of adagio.jpg

​Both Jerry and Sheryl are lawyers by profession, when you hear about the word lawyer most might think they are somewhat nerdy and stiff but actually both of them are filled with emotions in the heart. Had spent a great deal of time communicating about the wedding shoot, reason being (I did not tell them) both of them having a high expectations about the outcome of the pictures, and to me, expectations will actually kill the authenticity of the shoot. Both of them living in Singapore, and it is much harder for me to abolish their fear because most of them actually very concern about how their friends comment about their pictures, leaving them without freedom to express their true self and understand what important things to leave behind the pictures . Some of you that reading this might wonder what its it about. Well, to be brief, you know in school, our education had failed to educate us the 2 most important thing in everyone's life, first is teach us how to fall in love, and the other one is to be free. And in turn, I have to end up educating the couple how to be free and love freely. I know both of them have tried very hard and for Asians I understand is difficult but I am very pleased with their attitude and positive thinking.

Jerry is an emotional man, when you hear how he speak, it is indeed very deep in his feelings, feelings more than words can tell because he may be not very expressive. While Sheryl, who used to be Jerry's superior at work, Jerry did have a big courage to date his superior hehe... Sheryl is indeed a lady  with a very strong character, filled with corporate bossy personality, yes I tried so hard to kill her corporate manner before the shoot which I felt also one of the thing that will kill the authenticity LOL. Well really focus on this Korea trip hehehe... well sometimes we manage to kill this much and we have tried to do our best. Sheryl loves Korean drama, she watch the Korean series until she know how to speak a little Korean, and she does look like Korean by the way. 

I am glad that we managed to capture so many nice shots, now waiting for her sister to get married hehehe.... thanks Jerry and Sheryl, so many encounters have gone through, its all memorable, and once in a while I do recall those memories. ​

I'm pleased that Wedding Notebook had featured us in this series, you may read about it here:​​

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The World We Share - Song Hui & Mei Yee Pre-Wedding in Penang

It was nice to cover Song Hui & Mei Yee's pre-wedding, both of them actually went through a long term relationship and spend their most of the time in Sydney and now settled down in Penang. I still remember Mei Yee told me that Sydney is a city for lovers and they built a strong relationship back then. Thanks to Pei Pei who introduced this couple to me. There are a lot of elements that spoke about the meaning of love and love is not just simply about smiles and laughters, but also include many elements such as missing and sacrifices too. When Mei Yee went back to Penang to settle down, Song Hui quit his job and followed Mei Yee back, to Mei Yee, Song Hui is a guy who understand her most, and he is a man with a lot of patience. There is indeed a higher element than love, after a couple had spent their time with emotions, love has upgraded to something more greater, which is life itself. Both of this couple enjoy sharing their life together, a world that is more greater than love, it is a relationship. That's the reason I created a theme for them. They are such a nice couple; Mei Yee is a bride who has many worries and Song Hui is the man who able to comfort her, giving her the strengh she needs. However, I noticed that Mei Yee has a higher potential inside of her when I listened to how she talks. One day, Mei Yee actually text me and commented that we have something similar, which is the way we see our work. And one of Mei Yee's friend who is one of my couple for the coming Melbourne pre-wedding trip, she commented that there is something different in my pictures, her friend told me that the pictures I portray has some form of a inert beauty, a beauty expresses through joy. She were unable to tell me the exact meaning of that feeling but somehow I know what she is talking about. :) 

Thanks for having to cover your pre-wedding, it is indeed my pleasure and I will never forget both of you, our time spent together in Love Lane and Lone Pine. And not to forget, the nicest food ever tasted there. hehe. All the best to both of you.



Dennis Yap



Tears and Laughter - Marcus & Kelly Wedding Day

​It's been a wonderful day for both Marcus and Kelly, both of them are my friends in real life. Know Kelly for many years back and during their ROM I offered to cover a little of their day and I still remember Kelly told me "I'm so glad you are here." She just has the amazing sincerity and charm inside her, and thats how many true friendship revived. I still remember they went to Taiwan for their pre-wedding shoot with another Bridal House and ended up I'm offered to re-do their editing lol. 

This wedding of Marcus and Kelly is a touching one, I can feel inside her heart that many events began to appear in her mind before Marcus reach to her room. It's also a family thing for Kelly, life has been hard but the event is just beautiful. Thanks to them for having me.​



Love is Fun - Mark & Yuen Wei Pre-Wedding

​Love is Fun! Yeah, the first time I met this lovely couple I was like wow~ Mark love to sing and act while Yuen Wei simply easy going and cheerful. While mark loves his guitar I told Yuen Wei that I got an idea for them, at first we wanted to proceed a portrait shot in Broga but realize the trip is going to be tough LOL. And we finally settled with Awanmulan, where Yuen Wei will have her hens night there. This couple simply do not require any of my guidance, the moment I told them that they can simply do anything, their eyes were like telling me "Oh Really???", and they did all sorts of crazy and fun stuffs LOL. Laughed all the way, thought there are hungry and tired moments :p. They had it all, from jungle to waterfall, trash the dress in the swimming pool, mountain view, and road rise @.@... and Mark loves aircraft so we went for some shots in KLIA lol. Yuen loves the padi field look so we went to this small little bushes for some shots, its all pretty awesome. In turn they get all the pictures they wanted, with their own personality and adventure hehe...



Life Comfort - Alex & June Wedding Day in Singapore

​Alex and June are both very nice couple, the first time I communicate with June it was quite a relaxing conversation, and Alex was one of the nicest guy I have met. The day I arrived Singapore, June and Alex got me in a very nice room, I was surprised that the hotel had prepared a bottle of champaign and some chocolates, I think they got me into the bridal room lol. My first impression with Alex was this guy is really huge and muscular, after get to know him and found that he is actually quite bold, sensitive and confident, well suited June's personality as June should be quite gentle type of girl. June and Alex had a baby before the wedding day, was very unique to cover a wedding with a baby sleeping beside her. The morning when I got into June's room and ready to cover her big day with a videographer, June commented that we are very on time, I was curious about her comment and noticed that the make up artist have not arrived, hmm... we waited a little longer for the make up artist to show up and for the first time, it didn't. June were very stressed and nervous and we all tried to calm her down, the whole wedding schedule got delayed for more than 1 hour. Her phone was not reachable and she had to call all over to a photographer who went to China for assignment from a Bridal Studio in Singapore but end up nil joy. Suddenly a girl with the same name from China showed up did her make up, but it was a little difficult to cover her by then because she hardly ever smile anymore. But later after Alex arrived and end of the day, I finally see her joy, and Alex gave her the comfort she wanted. Thanks to Alex and June for having me, I hope to see both of you again someday, sometimes I did recall the moment we had together, and hope you love the pictures. :)



My letter to Wondermilk - Shops in Kuala Lumpur needs a new understanding

Hi Wondermilk,

I'm very upset with your reply. Frankly saying I was surprised. I'm not trying to argue here but there are shops that are glad to offer a space for normal people who wanted to leave their memories for themselves, as your reply you have made it impossible for people to do so. I'm not sure about the non-closure charges, for a normal people, without notifying wonder milk can simply walk in, have a coffee and use their DSLR to shoot their friends in your facilities, and they are not being told to stop. I'm just curious, what are the difference between us and them? Because we have asked wondermilk (just because we are nice) and wondermilk want to insert a commercial interest in our proposal. You need a clear policy between commercial and personal interest. 

We seeing your company is started to grow recently, this policy clearly has disappointed many of us. But, you are not the only company I'm sure, but I hope these companies can look further ahead because they are indeed your loyal customers, some people met new friends in wondermilk, some people fell in love, some people had such a strong memory behind which I guess you have successfully created the space for these occurrence to take place, but you also need to honor them, giving them opportunity for them to leave their memory behind. You made them having a good memory in your shop, and finally they decided to get married and you charge them Rm600 just to tell them that you should have a fair share in their memories? This is bad. I'm not sure you able to get what I am saying. 

Regardless if its a gown or a casual wear, if its for personal interest your company should offer it free for public, because your company should do some good deeds for them because you are serving them right? Unless we put your work for commercial value, wondermilk can simply sue them if you see it, not a big issue as well. However, depend how your organization see it, inviting commercial shots (depend on your vision) can simply increase your noise level for free too, free marketing, more customers, more income, more expansions. To me the return is huge. 

Or is it because of me, I'm Dennis Yap, a professional photographer, thats why you want a fair share from the couple? Well, I'm just fulfilling their goals, they are the ones that you need to serve. I'm just talking on their behalf. 





We Love Because - Eddie & Julia Pre-Wedding

Met Eddie in Kelly's wedding way then, I remember Eddie came over to talk to me and we were discussing about Kelly's wedding slideshow, he told me that the pictures I presented was different and he likes it. After a while Eddie called me up while I was shooting an assignment in Singapore and we met up in a shopping mall. Had some drinks and food, nice chat. Eddie and Julia are a unique match, where Julia really enjoy Eddie's company and Eddie just feel comfortable with Julia and they love food. LOL. During the shoot Eddie brought over a guy who also interested on photoshooting and 2 other friends, we all ventured into Frim where they love the greens and such. We started with a short session back in Ara Damansara a little, made some shots in Wondermilk, and got chased out by Wondermilk because we did not get permit LOL. But we got all the shots for that location, I can't share with you the shots captured in Wondermilk because I think it is against their rules if I use those shots for commercial or blog purposes. Maybe next time. :) Thanks Eddie and Julia, many encounters were had gone through, they are one of the couple I will remember, well actually I remember most of them, and writing down all those memories will enable me to recall them.



The Unspoken Laughters - Yeow Hwee & Lilian Wedding Day in Singapore

Really thanks to Yeow Hwee & Lilian for having me. I remember the first time I met this couple from Singapore was through Facebook, and right at the moment I found something quite in common with Lilian and me was we both like the book that people seldom read, which was the book by Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being. Right at the moment I felt that Lilian might be a strong thinker and quite excited to cover her. 

Lilian is a very nice person, it was nice to put me up in Mandarin Orchard, which is where the wedding dinner was held. Both of them came to see me a day before and we discussed a little and Lilian wanted a short portrait session in between. Both of them is lovely and sweet, and loving the color theme. Usually people have stereotypes about people working in Barclays but they are just fun, though I believe the nerdy part is still with them hehe. Fall in love with many of their shots, all of them are just so real and genuine. The most important is they we really had lots of fun that day, not really like a procedures and such. Also loving the venue they had in Singapore, good choice for selecting Mandarin Orchard, though running around in that venue require some skills but its all worked out pretty well. I was shooting with a videographer that day and he appreciate my slideshow that day saying it is different from the others. I really honour his words because appreciations is hard to come by from a fellow Singaporeans. Loving every part of it, especially Lilian has this really sharp eyes, when you see her in real person, you might get the first impression that she might be a fierce lady but in fact after a while, the sharp eyes that she has is her most attractive part. Bravo Yeow Hwee~ I really wish to see both of you again.



Canon Sponsored Booth - Romance in Fate 2012 in Midvalley

2012 Bridal Fair in Mid Valley sponsored by Canon Malaysia

Enjoyed my very first appearance in a bridal fair. Before this, friends have been asking me why I want to waste my time here because in common understanding its a "totally different market (the bridal shop market)", people will be asking for big discount and I bet many photographers have been talking about it. At first I was very nervous if I put myself in a weird environment by promising Canon, but after a while I have this feeling: To be in a wedding fair is cool, but to be in a bridal fair is SUPER cool! Because it shows that Malaysia is seeing our existence and furthermore its free so I am just going to display my pictures and see if I am able to get any attention. I'm very glad I am part of this unique playground and I've learned a lot here from simply listen to what my visitors has to say and express. Thanks to Canon Malaysia, mom and dad, Su Li, Chew Yen, Wayney, Jeff and Cliff for all the help needed and run the preparation in a very short interval. I still remember the time required to prepare for this unique event with limited time. I am so glad that I have so many friends who helped me, most thankful to my parents who helped me all the way, even accompany me for setting the place, and Jeff given many ideas, LOL, we had so many ideas but we just do not have time and finally we came out with this adhoc solution. With the help from Cliff as well. Sometimes miracles just happened, I believe it. And yes, I can consider myself a lucky guy. 

Before Day 1 - Enjoyed my very first appearance in a bridal fair. Thanks to Cliff from Happy Fish for giving your hand on the setup. Before this, friends have been asking me why I want to be here because in common understanding its a "different market (the bridal shop market)", people will be asking for big discount and I bet many photographers have been talking about it. At first I was very nervous if I put myself in a weird environment by promising Canon, but after a while I have this feeling: To be in a wedding fair is cool, but to be in a bridal fair is SUPER cool! Because it shows that Malaysia is seeing our existence and furthermore its free so I am just going to display my pictures and see if I am able to get any attention. I'm very glad I am part of this unique playground and I've learned a lot here from simply listen to what my visitors has to say and express.

Day 2 - This is me with my little flyer... I heard from Canon that numerous "neighbors" were not very pleased with this little paper and it created a big discussion among them, and now I guess everyone know who I am, its a way to say hi to new friends I guess. Please do accept the little peanut as your friend. :D
