
A Morning with you - Zan Feng & Shibi Wedding Day

I remember this day, where me and Zan Feng & Shibi first met, went to capture Shibi's make up session, and while I was capturing Shibi's personal shot, a strong wind blow towards Shibi, and we looked at each other and laughed, yes the strong wind does provide some good effect with the veil hehe. Both of them are actually funny couple, with a handsome dog. They really love the picture that I have captured with their dog, and the lovely tea ceremony that day, love the old folks, they always being very nice. Shibi's family is a shy type, they love to keep things in their heart. Being a wedding photographer, one of our biggest reward is to witness many essential values in every families, every one of them are different in certain ways and all have different doctrines, values and way of communication. It made me think of what kind of dad I should become sometimes, struggle with so many values but above all I love those emotional type of family hehe...



The Story of Le Petit Studio

Yes Le Petit Studio is our meeting spot now. If you may wonder what is Le Petit Studio or are we changing our name to Le Petit Studio, no, Le Petit Studio is a place we created, a studio with 2 main person in charge. Dennis Yap Photography which is us, will be utilising most of Le Petit Studio, and Jeff Leong, this awesome guy that have known a while, both of us started Le Petit Studio and Jeff Leong will be using this place mainly as a hub for his business. Jeff Leong is an awesome Wedding Planner, he does wedding planning services specialise in many high end wedding themes and coordinations. If you would like to find out about his services you can certainly contact him via his email here:, yes free promotion for him. :) and Remy Ngan, she does not hold a share in investing in Le Petit simply because my mom said that it was not good to have 3 major investor in a team. So we rented out a space for Remy Ngan for her make up trials and such. Again, Remy Ngan is quite famous, I can simply say that she can be the best. Remy Ngan is our main make up artist we using now for many pre-wedding assignments and most of the jobs with her around will surely back with higher successful pictures. Believe me or not, some brides does not want to remove their make up after they have been done by Remy Ngan, that sound a little exaggerated but its true. :) if you would like to enquire about her services here is the email: So this are the main guy. Lets hope Le Petit Studio be a successful hub for us. 



Ideas of Life - Jason & Raina Pre-Wedding in Singapore

Had too much flight to Singapore so this time we drove all the way there for a pre-wedding shoot with Jason & Raina. It was a fun day with them. A day before the shoot we had a short meet up and that was our first meeting and we spoke about the shoot and surprisingly they were up with the shoot. Jason love photography and Raina is in love with artistic stuffs. Both of them have a very intriguing personality and so got some help with their friends. Jason's friend got them a ride, and a good friend of Raina followed them as assistant. We had a short session in Lasalle college of arts, and the recent becoming to be a very popular place - gardens by the bay. Bumped up with a few photographers there along the way but I still feel that Haji Lane was still a good spot, not only can do some shopping along the way and love the colorful theme there. There are many nice people in Singapore, these people are really an awesome company. Some people may think that there is not much things to shoot in Singapore but I think it depends hehe, we added a few interesting ingredients here, like we added the guy reading newspaper in Lasalle, the guy just never willing to walk away, which is good I guess. We also found a few monks having a cup of coffee and we added them in the shoot, Jason and Raina was like WOW. Post it in facebook, I guess the shot had many people wonder and the shot had became a sensitive topic for many people. Well, in a positive way, I guess that shot does bring harmony of both worlds, depend on how you look at it. 



A Formal Unification - Kuok Peng & Ayumi Wedding Dinner

To be honest, this is one of the good hotel for a wedding dinner event, the Grand Hyatt Kuala Lumpur. One of my favorite was the downlight and the LED bright light, though I don't really like the LED concept but I do love it when everything goes dark, just add a little of spices and there you go, what a nice venue. If you ask me if I got any issues with dark venues, just leave the problem to us and we make something extraordinary for you. 

I actually met Kuok Peng two years ago in another wedding of my good friend Jeamie, where Gregg and Jeamie had her wedding day in KL Convention Center, the place was nice too but the Grand Hyatt is much better. That night Kuok Peng sing a song during Jeamie's dinner so I know this guy is a good singer. Love this gang of nice people, they all knew each other from Jeamie's salsa classes, very outgoing people where they built their good friendship from salsa classes. This time Kuok Peng is marrying a Japanese, I am sure it will be a very long journey ahead because Kuok Peng will need to know Japanese, which should not pose any issues because both of them are working in Japan now. I still remember Kuok Peng said that Ayumi's parents mistakenly thought that he is a japanese, because Kuok Peng does look like one. The wedding dinner is a rather formal ones with some formal looking friends and of course with lots of crazy and fun ones as well. I can feel Kuok Peng's heart that it is not easy to come this far. Hope to meet up with him soon in Osaka. 



Delightful Dinner - Jerry & Sheryl Wedding Dinner

Jerry and Sheryl is no stranger since we had a session back in Korea since April. Right after their wedding day in Kota Kinabalu, they had a small little wedding dinner in Berjaya Hotel Kuala Lumpur. The hotel is one of the unique one where it is quite hard to find where the ballroom is. I was amazed that they actually printed 2 pieces of my pre-wedding pictures with them in Seoul. It was quite a simple but sweet wedding dinner. Even though they are having the second wedding dinner since they have done on in Kota Kinabalu a few days ago, tears still able to fall and people are still emotional about it. I do admit that the blessing to family session was sweet. I kept on looking at the pictures I took during our trip in Seoul, and the security guard is looking at it, which was quite funny and I snap a picture with it. Hehe. Tiring night as I need to cover their wedding dinner right after I touched down from Melbourne. Both Jerry & Sheryl are lawyers in profession working in Singapore, though the assignment was quite simple but I am sure there are things to cover here. And I remember that Sheryl's brother and elder sister actually engaged my photographer friends for their shot before, which is quite cool actually to have different guy covering different weddings in a family. And now waiting for her younger sister's turn. I am curious to see who she will engage for the next round hehe.



Our latest collaboration with Elegante Wedding

It is very rare for us to offer discounts as always we offer services exceeded the value of the package. One day we have Elegante Wedding came over and spoke about their wedding secretary services and we just agreed on the spot to offer 8% for their clients as we see that numerous effort and time both the clients and us can saved from here. Elegante Wedding is no stranger to us and we feel that together with them, we can accomplish greater results, thats is where the discount came into the picture. Do provide them your great support. :)



The Story - Albert & Sharon Pre-Wedding in Melbourne

Melbourne is a very unique city, I had lots of couple who wanted to have their shot in Melbourne simply because of one thing, to recall old memories. I found that many couple were actually started their relationship in school times and went a long journey back in Malaysia and had a successful marriage. Melbourne to me, is indeed a good place to fall in love. Albert & Sharon's does not have a lot of deep emotions, all they love to do is to be the soulmate of one another, Albert does a lot of words in his heart that would love to express. So we went to many places around town for some fun shots, expressing happiness, the best part they like to do is to drink beer together lol, had some fun time with them and there simply many funny shots to be taken around. So the gown shot we had were to express something in the future and the casual ones to express their present lives together. This time of the year was much better, with less freezing wind and weather has turned a little mild than last month. Both of them are indeed a good match, with two different personalities fine tuning each other. I still remember the first time I met this couple, Sharon wants to cover many places in Melbourne because its a very memorable place for her as she has been there a while ago, and soon with Albert's soft spoken skills, it made Sharon narrowed down to a few places. And I know they wanted my sunlight effect, the emotions, the candid, and its all there. Now awaiting to get their pictures ready to cover their wedding day very soon. 



The Magnificent Journey - Jimmy & Kaiyean Pre-Wedding in Melbourne

这一次的couple我打算用中文来表达,心里在回忆着自己在拍摄里渡过的日子,也少遇见一个心有灵犀的情侣,每当我把照片放上网,她就是会慢慢把我心里所想要表达的挖出来。在之前拍摄过她的朋友佩佩之后就认识了他们,过后我又拍摄了他的朋友Mei Yee,那时Kaiyean就在面子书里跟聊天,她说我的照片有一种特别的意境,就问我那是不是属于沧桑与凄美,我回答说,那是一种生活,经过时间的消耗,把爱情提升的一个境界。那时我跟Kaiyean解释了Mei Yee照片背后的故事,Kaiyean发现原来每一张照片背后,是有着那么多的理由与故事,有时可能是生活的体会,也有可能是生命里的执着。就一个那么特别的问题,我们就开始谈起话来,就发现更多Jimmy与Kaiyean的一些故事,一些内在的心情。

Kaiyean外在可能是开朗的,但内心可是细腻敏感的,Jimmy外在可能是镇定的,但内在可是执着与热诚的。Jimmy用了好多的感动把Kaiyean带进他的世界里,心里必定是有许多的感触,而那双戒指,在里头代表着许多的含义 ,在Kaiyean的心思里也是如此。



在拍摄完毕后,把照片交上,Kaiyean问我为何我懂得选择用Magnificent Journey做主题,就恰好配合到他们的心情。Kaiyean的心情可以说是小女人,个人可能不是,但在爱情里面选择了小女人的角色,好的是可以把小小的事情看成是伟大,在繁忙的都市里算是稀有的。人生就像拍摄一般,我们把重要的时刻捕捉起来,让重要的时刻不被遗失或遗忘,甚至有时候他们的得着与遗失,也使我心情更加执着。回到家里想了一阵子,我总是帮别人得着,所以也许有一天我会写一本书,关于我自己用遗失的时间帮别人得着的故事。





Sunny Day - David & Lisa Garden Wedding

A wonderful garden wedding as proposed by Kam and her team, a wonderful wedding planner in Elegante Wedding. David actually met Lisa while working in Shanghai and this time they wanted something different, a morning gate crash, garden ceremony and a sunset dinner with fireworks end of the day. Really tight schedule but it all worked out pretty interesting especially the sunset dinner. David and Lisa engaged 2 clowns to entertain the kids and people just enjoyed taking pictures during the sunset session. Its like an all in one thing which Kam and her team had planned. Sent over the slideshow to David to displayed during their wedding ceremony in Shanghai and receive lots of good comments. 

We now having something on with Elegante Wedding, if all wish to engage them, we will provide a token to those couple that does not serve shark fins soup during dinner. Do check them out. :) 



The Divine Light - Jwen Hxen & Linda Church Wedding

One day I was called up by my old friend Lane, a wedding planner from My Wedding Planner and got assigned to cover the wedding of Jwen Hxen & Linda, both of them are actually civil engineers, to me Jwen is the all loving one in the heart, hardly expressed through actions and Linda is the one who is knowledgeable in many things. Thanks to My Wedding Planner, the wedding had turned out to be a very steady one, meaning that everything was very smooth with not many distractions. The decorations went very well, the church was great, just only the emotions were a little reserved from Jwen hehe. At the end of the dinner, during the toasting session, Jwen and Linda were asked to kiss and they did, for a very long time and I was observing Jwen's hand and he was not holding her while he is kissing, I figured that the pictures might turned out to be awkward and started to think if I need to make some minor corrections on this beautiful shot. And guess what, I did! For the first time. And I heard a number of laughters, in a humorous way. Sometimes I realised that it is quite tough to be a photographer, hehe, its not all about photography actually, many things I did was just to guide people on how to love, and many of my sessions seemed to turned out to be an enlightening one. That mainly because in school we hardly learned about love and in real life, the word LOVE became an important thing in our lives, which I constantly educate, so that pictures can turned out to be great. During the exchange of rings, it reminded me a very important homework about love, 

"When you put on her ring on her finger, she will put on your ring on yours, love has a lot to do about the cycle..."

Many thanks to Jwen and Linda, in life, the journey of love never ends, we continue to learn new things in life. :) Also thanks for having me.

