
Delightful Night - Kok Siong & Sammi Wedding Dinner

It was my first time to meet Kok Siong and Sammi during the wedding dinner where this time I am shooting in Noble House, a small little chinese restaurant in Kuala Lumpur. When Sammi told me that both of them are actually working for the ministers office and seemed to looked a little shy, I was thinking, there is indeed nothing wrong to work for the ministers office even though most people does not like the big man behind the scene, hehe. My most challenging task was to make this simple wedding dinner look awesome without the help of beautiful decorations and any extraordinary stuffs around. Thanks to the lovely couple and funny crowd, I was quite enjoying the night, shooting candid's all day, where Sammi's friends were observing me how to capture the night, a few guys came over to me asking me about photography stuffs and we had a little discussions over. Both Kok Siong and Sammi are very nice couple, they just treated me like a friend whom they know for many years. At the end of the wedding dinner, Sammi came to me and said that she was thankful that I am around and was glad that she is able to engage me. At that moment, I felt like I have done something extraordinary for them.



Without Words - Howard & Angeline Pre-Wedding

It was after a year that Howard and Angeline had finally got the chance to have their pre-wedding portrait taken, due to the death of her mom a week before her wedding day, they have to choice but to push forward her wedding arrangements a year after. It was a sad news for me while I remember Angeline were crying through the phone telling me the sad news. But this day, both of them revived the feeling today and we had lots of candids taken on this special day.

Both Howard and Angeline work as a flight crew in Etihad Airline and they wanted to take a chance to snap the picture with the aircraft so we went nearby KLIA for some shots and we had a wonderful time collecting memories in our new studio (Le Petit Studio) in Empire Gallery. Though they look very happy but I know that those words were kept within them, which recall the sad news happened a year ago. Therefore I delightedly created something for them, a theme called Without Words were created for Howard and Angeline, reflecting beautiful memories were not so much about words but through actions, and they both did great. And now waiting to cover their wedding day very soon.  

Angeline is one of the bride that I could not forget, because we had gone through many incident together and that had made our bond strong, and always hope that my pictures could cure those hard memories that had gone by. 



Wedding de Fluer - Eu Wing & Bee Fong Garden Wedding

Eu Wing & Bee Fong live in UK. Both of them are in the medical line. For one time I recalled, I did received a lot of assignments from doctors, dentist, lawyers, and hardly an accountant which I do not know why hehe... but to be honest, doctors and dentist are the nicest couple to work with, and also couples from the United Kingdom, I will need to think how my pictures attracted them, or maybe its the intuitive part of my pictures? This remains a mystery. The first time I met with Bee Fong, she reminded me of those cool looking bride that comes by once in a while but Bee Fong is actually warm in her heart, a little hotter than lukewarm, its deep isn't it. Bee Fong flew over a few of her colleagues and best friends over, and from the dinner's speech I get to know that Eu Wing is actually a very smart guy. But anyways, it is one of the loveliest wedding, handled by Peak Xperience, a wedding planning company run by 2 amazing and pretty individuals, they can be very "on the ball" sometimes but they do deliver. 

It is Bee Fong's sister that handles her logistic part in Malaysia and right after the wedding, I am glad that the pictures had made mass chain effect and now I am shooting another 2 of their friends very soon. Though we have not spoke much right after the wedding, but I have heard a lot of Bee Fong's name from many references, many thanks for Bee Fong and Eu Wing that loved my work, your wedding will stay in my memory in a very special spot.  



We have a new home!

We are proud to announce our new home - Le Petit Studio. A place where everything begins and operates, please do not confused as Le Petit Studio is just a name for the location, where our name Dennis Yap Photography* still remain as our brand. :) Well, there are some changes to our new operation where by Dennis Yap Photography* is no longer just a product of a person but a team effort. I am proud to invite Kevin Tan and Cliff Choong over, together with Su Li, Brenda and Ivan in the team. Thank you very much, sometimes things just happened like miracle, where it all started just from a conversation. 

One day Jeff asked for a coffee and I said yes, and we spoke about the issues of getting the right partner and the topic just evolved to something great. Now Le Petit Studio is host by me and Jeff, if you do not know Jeff, he is a great person and a great wedding planner. We both see similar visions and together just coincident we have Remy Ngan in the house as well. Remy is a make up artist, she can really enhance a person's personality. In the house we have all the emotional ingredient to offer you something greater than you can imagine.

Over the years when I shoot alone as a photographer, I always wish that I could offer more to my clients, and sad to see some bride did not get the chance to hire me because of date clash. Well now you can at least see my souls in a more possible way, with Kevin and Cliff in the team as partners, we offer you the same vision and art so that more couples are able to enjoy our souls. We work consistantly in cheerful manner, striving to inspire many happy hearts, and melt even more souls. We now offer vareity of packages to meet the needs of many people. We did this just because of you, we love everyone of our couples and it is always happy to see them smile.

Many people had asked why I do not hire 10 photographers and grow a big team, well personality I do not like to be big. There is always negative things on bigger things, one of it is commercialized, and seldom last. What I would like to create is a small business like some well known food stores, where everyone knew about that store and over many years the taste never fades, it can recall your childhood memories. I feel that Malaysia is lacking of such business and therefore I plan to start something like this. Please continue to provide your support, and we will always strive to offer you something original. :)

Le Petit Studio will start its operation from 17th September onwards, as told by my mom, its a good date. :)


Dennis Yap, founder of Dennis Yap Photography*



Growing Up - Wilson Family Portrait

Had a wonderful day today with a team of happy family. Wilson contacted me that it was a day where all family members finally gathered together and thought of engaging me for a family portrait session. Thanks for the great mercy that it only rains after we finished the whole session. Everyone were so happy with the only child that all focus were towards the little boy of Wilson lol. We took a walk around the park, took some portrait of Wilson's sister, and had lots of fun in the park. 



Someone to Watch Over Me - Steven & Valerie Family Portrait

One of the cutest family portrait ever taken, with my old couple Steven and Valerie who married 2 years ago. This time with their little boy Christon. It was a nice sunny day and love the whole dressed up, all planned by Valerie herself. I kept on smiling while editing their picture, and all our team love to see the results, kept on staring cute Christon and laughed lol.



Nearness of Us - Anson & Angel Pre-Wedding

Anson and Angel flew all the way to Malaysia to have their pre-wedding pictures taken. Before the shoot, both of them carried a standard understanding of how a standard portrait pictures were taken as both of them have never encountered our unique shooting styles. Nevertheless, we slowly engaged them to take away all those standard understanding and a little brain cleansing process we tailor for them hehe. This time we brought over Cliff Choong as assistant and Gary Ngui for some video taking. I have to say that actually Hong Kong couples are more open to genuineness and it is in fact easier to engage them to be real and truthful. We are so glad that we able to provide those experience for them. They specifically like the tree in UPM, we appreciate their trust in our work, and all the enjoyment we had together. Hope to hear from them again.



Togetherness - Martin & Sharon Pre-Wedding in Melbourne

Martin & Sharon seldom take pictures but Sharon has a rather artistic mind, when we spoke about the session it is all smoothly organised. I still remember at the end of the day, Martin and Sharon sent us back to our new hotel new the airport, and we took some instant shots over there. It is not often to hear about this couple, both of them are rather introverted hehe. It was a windy trip for september, not sure why but brides has been quite ambitious for this time simply because they like to wear a dress for blighton beach session, for a moment I feel that female is indeed unique.



The Wonders of Anticipation - Ying Hao & Melissa Pre-Wedding in Melbourne

There is so much to spoke about this couple, where Ying Hao is a PHD working in Melbourne and Melissa works in Singapore. My first impression about this couple is a nerdy and sentimental mix. Both person seperated in a long distance relationship, and very surprised that nerdy Ying Hao was in fact quite obsessive in nature hehe, longing to take control of everything. I am sure it is normal for a man with long distance relationship. Both of them had gone through lots and finally found a sweet spot where both person able to be comfortable with and decided to get married. Because of this, my initial plan for them was to ask Ying Hao to anticipate everything in the shooting session, to be the best guy in the world for Melissa on that special day. I hope Ying Hao  had felt so much about the day itself if he really able to cherish the authentic moments of a life time. However, not everyone is able to focus on that authentic point. Regardless of how each person perceive the outcome, I understand that time will tell the difference, about the hard work seeded within them. 



Love Unwither - Jeff & Phyllis Pre-Wedding in Melbourne

Met Jeff and Phyllis from another wedding in Kota Kinabalu and had been communicating with Phyllis numerous of times and she is just too sweet. Love and be a unique journey, some people gone through a long process of understanding and some just need little time to fully understand, for Jeff and Phyllis, their journey is short. Jeff made his brave proposal to Phyllis because he just love her so much, seriously I would do the same if I were Jeff. Phyllis had a while of decision making, and I just love walking behind this couple and see how Phyllis melt Jeff's heart with her deep deep kisses. There is a little bit of a journey I haven't seen within them which is the journey of experience, which I believe might be important for them in this relationship. Just trying to make this photo session more interesting, everything has been done to stimulate the understanding of a future relationship, like caring, considerate, and many many more. When I saw Jeff used his finger to hold further of Phyllis in the above picture, I can realize that Jeff actually loving more, but life has not brew into that state yet. And so I made this theme, wishing that it can complete them, everyday, in many years to come. 
