
Moment of Love - Samuel & Lovvy Garden Reception

Finally another assignment in Kota Kinabalu, it has been one of my favorite location because I love their sky so much. It's always blue and vivid, it might look normal for the locals but I just love it. Shot Samuel and Lovvy again after our pre wedding trip in Tip of Borneo. KK people are always very nice and friendly, you can talk with any strangers here and they will just give you a smile and never ignore you. Samuel and Lovvy had their garden reception in Tanjung Aru and just love the environment here. Lovvy cried all the way while Samuel was giving his speech, touching moment and a sentimental person like Lovvy will never resist the touching words from Samuel. For this series I tried to bring in balance on each pictorial subject, simple, quiet, and also loving.

Yeah! KK here I come again.....



Life, Just That Simple - Tien Hoo & Mun Sie Pre-Wedding @Fraser Hill

Tien Hoo and Mun Sie is a couple that seldom take pictures, when I met them I asked about what they usually do in their real life and their answer was nothing much lol. They like watching tv, stay in their home, doing things together. To them them might mean nothing but to me, it means something. Lol. This is life. Some couple don't explore much about the world but they enjoy for what they having, their connection is simply to live their life together. They are indeed one body with one mind, because they agree that this is the life they look forward to. I really like to meet couple that seldom take pictures, but the funny thing is, they seldom take picture but they do think that picture is important in a wedding, to collect something important back in return, to remember their connections in life. It must be something that made them wanted to do it. And so my role became more important. Just because they seldom take pictures, the pictures that I will deliver to the, became more valuable. And so we had our session in Fraser Hill, a place that is quiet, nothing fancy, but cozy enough for them to enjoy their time together. Simplicity, their virtue.



A Happy Day - Foo Shen & Joan Wedding Reception

Foo Shen and Joan is no stranger as I have covered their ROM and we are familiar with each other. I am so glad that Joan wanted to engage me after I have delivered her the ROM pictures which also means that she is satisfied with my final product. I still remember that first day I met Joan during our discussion, I thought she is a fierce girl lol, but in real fact that she is a really sweet person. Foo Shen is the lucky man. We spoke a lot in Facebook before the wedding, and when I reached Joan's room in the morning, her room is filled with a unique color and I asked Joan what is her favorite color. And from there my editing style was based on her preference. I think the preference of color do spoke a lot about Joan's personality. That's why I always think that we can never know every bits of a person but we need the passion to move on in order for us to have the passion to find out more, this is very important element in my photography. Which is to capture something that relates to the person.



Love is in the Air - Ishwara & Thanusyia Indian Wedding Reception in the Aircraft 30,000ft above

I am so glad that I have been selected to be the official wedding photographer to cover Ishwara and Thanusyia's wedding. It's not a normal Indian wedding but it's a wedding in an aircraft. The wedding reception was held in the air 30,000 feet above the sea level. Since it is the first indian wedding in an aircraft in the world, I was squeezed inside the aircraft with a group of desperate photographers from the media. However, it did not stopped me and I had many great shots captured from this wedding. If you have asked me if I was desperate over there, haha no, because my role is to capture what had happened in the wedding, the couples wedding so I am allowed to capture the people from the media as well, it was quite fun. Ishwara was very glad and honored, I can see it from his eyes and Thanusyia was very proud of Ishwara, abide into his strong character. They are a great match, I guess nobody will ever forget about what had happened in the aircraft.

It was not very hard to capture a wedding in an aircraft as I have already fully aware how an aircraft operates and familiar with AirAsia operations. Thus, to some people it might be something extraordinary because it might be their first time but to me, it is just like a normal wedding assignment, this allow me to focus more on expressing the couple. Thanks for having me, I hope the sky is never your limit. :)



Precious Moments - Yong Wei & Lai Peng ROM


It going to be a long journey with Yong Wei & Lai Peng, the ROM is just a started. I am so happy that she managed to bring all her best friend to her ROM and we had an exciting time during the portrait session. These group of people are extreamly truthful, real and sincere. It is a gift from God that I managed to have the chance to capture these small little memories of them. It made me feel that sometimes in life we do not need many friends, but friends can share our important moment in any occasion and in any place. 



Springtime - Han Chuan & Yee Woon Pre-Wedding

Springtime is the theme created for Han Chuan & Yee Woon where both would like to have something that reflect their young and simple heart, also added a nostalgic feel to this editing series to bring back the old memories of love and sometimes, it is just an expression of life and the happiness in the small world they have.

We had a long discussion on how to recreate their memory and Yee Woon had told me that their love began in the Zoo where Han Chuan hold her hand in the rain. And surprisingly during the end of the session there was a down pour and we simulate the moments again, allowing them to bring back memory in the old days. 

Yee Woon grandmom said that she love the tree shot very much and she said that the tree signifies many thing about their life. I was surprised that she can actually capture my idea behind. And indeed, Springtime is a theme that expresses a divine moment for both Han Chuan and Yee Woon, and only them know whats going on in the pictures, its something personal, private, and contented theme.



Meet the Bride - Che Hong & Loo Geck Actual Wedding Day

I did not know much about Che Hong & Loo Geck until the wedding. I found Loo Geck has an extraordinary taste when it comes to her wedding which I got this idea by seeing her short hair. You know in wedding we seldom see bride with short hairs hehe but finally I get to see one! Her hair made her outstanding, filled with personality and her friends were all very hyperactive. We had a short photo session up on the roof top in terasik brick house. Its all fun.

From observation I noticed that Loo Geck's vision is to make her family happy during the wedding, she pretty focus on her parents and I figured that she has a very strong familt ties. I hope they can also feel my small little idea behind my slideshow, which I think they did. 


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Blessings - Chee Kean & Chooi Li Garden Reception

Finally it is the day where Chee Kean & Chooi Li will be marching into a new journey, shared with the love of God. I love shooting garden weddings, it is indeed one of my favorite but the pace of it its extremely pack. Filled with abundant moment and joyful expressions. It is a day where Chooi Li had her sweet time saying farewell to her family and walking into a new life. I still remember that Chooi Li was extreamly nervous during the make up session which she could not understand why. She kept on taking deep breath when she knew Chee Kean is close by. After Chooi Li went to a new life she had also began to move to a new career switching from NTV7 to something new in TV8. Love her smile and tears. Both person share the love of God, to me, nomatter how Chooi Li express, she still look great from any angles. 

There was this unforgetable moment during their speech, I was so surprised that they actually thank me for making everything possible to them in developing their pictures. I was very touched but I think they did not know that I felt that but deep inside of my heart I felt that I have achieved something for them. 

Thank you Chee Kean & Chooi Li for having me. Your smile will always be in my heart.

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Marching In Fame - Heng & Semanta Wedding Dinner

Finally the day had come where both Heng and Samanta have their wedding dinner. I was sad that I was not able to capture their wedding day on the next day as I already have planned for an overseas trip to Japan. Thought the hours were short but I cherish every single minute in their wedding. Heng and Samanta was no longer stranger to me since I was there in Perth covering their pre-wedding assignment. Like any other wedding dinner, the sequence was normal but one thing I can never forget was Heng addressed his appreciation of my work on stage. When I got back home that night before my overseas trip, I began to miss them. I guess of so many hard work and accomplishments, nothing better than a short message of appreciation. They are always like an award for me, thats why I hardly join competitions, what I believe is any appreciations is already an award for me. 

Heng, Samanta, I was very pleased that Samanta's cousin loved how the gown was taken. Please send my regards to her again. Thanks.



Waiting For My Man - Choon Hoe & Hui Ee Wedding Day

I met Choon Hoe and Hui Ee not long before their actual wedding day. I am very lucky to be meeting so many nice people around me and have been very nice to me. I guess it is a gift from God that have given such blessing that made my work a unique one. Hui Ee is a girl that longing for her fantasies in her wedding but I knew that she has certain reserves in her heart. She has her own ideals and believes but she doesn't want the rest to be burden with her ideals. During her make up session I knew that she wanted a younger look but it seemed that she was not so happy with it. From that moment I hoped that I could comfort her heart by creating something that meet her ideals. And so I created a 'dream'. A slideshow that constantly reflecting her dream, longing for man to walk into her heart. I not sure if she really felt it but I am sure she knew what I tried to reflect one day. No matter any unpleasant encounters, the beautiful things lies within our heart. 
