
Our Wedding - Daniel & Cheau Yuin Actual Reception

Cheau Yuin is another graphic designer that love art a lot, she said that she love the expression and colors that I have added into my pictures and she hired me all the way to JB to cover her wedding day. I am so glad that I am able to come across so many nice couples along my journey, where I am also surprised that how my other buddies had their bad experience, I consider myself a lucky photographer. I always love to give my couple a good smile, giving them courage and energy. I'm always very energetic behind the scene, Trying my best to deliver my couple the best as most of the couple that found me have very specific expectations, well I have never felt stressful with it as that's the main reason they hired a photographer instead of going to the bridal studios.


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Dheeksha's 1st Birthday Party

Finally something different than wedding assignments hehe, always love to capture kids, this time Dheeksha had her 1st birthday party in malaysia. Dheeksha's parents were staying in Sydney and was surprised to find out that her mom is working in Canon. Well I should say that I felt very thankful for being a Canon shooter so that they can hire me hehe.. The parents loved my pictures a lot and was very pleased to have me being part of this special occasion of theirs. Everyone was very nice in the event, can never be friendlier. I have never get the chance to meet them again and the album have passed to them during my trip in Sydney. But I know we will meet again someday.

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Memoirs of Primrose - Rex & Carmen Pre-Wedding

Traditionally, a primrose means "I can't live without you." The color of primrose signifies "I am yours forever." The ultimate in romantic gifts that reflect your enduring love.
This idea for Rex and Carmen comes from witnessing their divine relationship between both of them, where Rex sees Carmen as his angel, and Carmen sees Rex as her protector, a gift from God. For friends that know Rex, he never forget to send you a bible verse once in a while in the morning. A day before their wedding I asked Rex how will he describe Carmen and Rex said she is like his angel given from God. That was amazing, you will hardly see a guy speak these kind of things, and from his eyes I knew that he really meant it. Carmen sings in a choir and a she sings pretty well as a soprano. During our discussion Rex had told me that Carmen will be heading to Dallas to continue her vocal studies and Rex mentioned that he will follow her no matter where she goes. From here I realize their goals in life. And their roles in the future. Therefore this is the theme I have created for them, to realize their goals and vision from this small little discussion. Where primrose is a flower from the States, and it signifies a divine vision, which is I'm yours forever.


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The Song of Hope - Tonny & Daphne

Tonny and Daphne had became good friends of mine, both of them had spent their journey all the way from Japan and now back in malaysia. The first day we meet each other in Starbucks we had a very long chat, not mainly about wedding but about life and vision, in between of the discussion I asked them to really treat me as a good friend, and Tonny agreed to my idea and do believe in my sincerity because I really mean what I said. I guess our happiness is by building our trust together, although on many occasions we have been trying hard to meet up for karaoke sessions but finally we did one after their wedding haha. And another thing is, I always bump into them many times around KL and Daphne always gave me a big laugh, hmm I still wondering why lol.

This couple have a very strong Japanese education and things that they did was very heart warming. They are indeed very sensitive to things that came from the heart. Thats why we are quite click in many ways, their friends from Japan came all the way to attend their wedding and I do love to mingle with Japanese, for some reason I felt that they inspire me in many ways.

Tonny and Daphne, thanks for having me, I will never forget both of you, you know I can tell a thousand stories about my encounter with you both, let's all remember our special moments together, it's more than just a wedding assignment.

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A Wistful Journey - Ken Yau & Stephanie ROM

I know Stephanie from a very long discussion where she was back in Perth, initially we were discussing about having me to cover her pre wedding in Perth but the process went a long way and they decide to move back from Perth to malaysia. We had been chatting a lot while she was in Perth and got to know that one of her friends wedding were covered by me. She is a very decent girl who did her studies in Kang and we discovered many similarities along the way. The world is so small. She attended her friend wedding and she did not tell me that she was there, lol we had a very funny guessing game where she asked me to guess if I able to find her in one of the picture off Kah Leong and Evelyn wedding dinner, haha I managed to track her down with my sharp eyes lol and after a while we had a meeting session near bukit jalil, she told me one thing that I can never forget, she said that she would rather find someone that able to click with her to cover her special occasion. Well I guess that was a compliment. She hired me for her ROM session and everything went well, and I gave all the pictures back to her together with the sideshow within few days, set a new record in my normal delivery timeline. Well all I did is just to ensure that she is happy.



Roadmap of Love II - Matthew & Jennifer Garden Reception

Finally it's here after our memorable pre wedding session together months back. Yes! It's a garden wedding, where couple aiming hard to accomplish their dream wedding, there was some drizzles before the receptions but things just got better right before the reception, very lucky indeed. Lots of fear and hope for this occasion to come true. And we made it. It was nice to meet back old couples that I have shot in the past during the wedding dinner, Matthew and Jennifer had a small group of friend to share their wedding and it was great, everyone was talking, having fun chatting and mingling around.
We did not have a lot of fancy session that morning, even games session was excluded. Therefore with the available time I asked Matthew and Jennifer to do some shots with the wine. Both of them opened up the nice bootle of wine and they simply enjoyed the simple occasion of theirs, something different. They hired favors essence to do the decos and they had a nice yellow theme to play with. Good decorations does playa role in any wedding event.


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Songs for Eating & Drinking n2 - Yu Heng, Will Ng, Ah Fei - A Very Good Year | 美好的一年 音樂會

Song of eating and drinking is a friendship session for my friend Yu Heng, where she had her second gathering with her friends, where everyone enjoy listening her song and the singer enjoy presenting her feelings through song. That is the reason I created this title, song for eating and drinking. After giving the pictures to her she asked if I'm interested to do her cover photo for her next album, I said ok, waiting for her call lol.

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Moment of Love II - Samuel and Lovvy Actual Reception


This is the third assignment with Samuel and Lovvy, this time we are doing it in Kuala Lumpur, lol the funny part that I heard from Lovvy is Kuala Lumpur is different compared with KK. Well I agree with her lol. This is the day for the groom side, understand Samuel and Lovvy pretty well and Samuel's family is indeed fun! We all laughed all the way, lots of hugs given to Lovvy from Samuel's family. I can't forget the session session where the couple have to swallow banana after each session during tea ceremony. Got a lot of funny shots here. And we all were giving eye contacts and straight away I knew what the couple is trying to say to me lol this is how well we know each other. From stranger to friend. I really cherish their friendship. It's hard to find such a fine couple like them. And I felt strong when everything had accomplished and had to say goodbye the end of the day. During her wedding everyone was asking about her pre wedding pictures, her actual day slides and her slides for this day. And people have been asking my name cards. I guess it is the bond we have that made all these art pieces a good one.



Our Wedding - Alex & Fyn Actual Reception

Shot Alex and Fyn wedding all the way in Muar, Fyn is a very sweet girl and just got to know that she is the miss photogenic of public bank beauty contest. Shooting her got me excited because I always wanted to see how photogenic she is off from my camera lol. Her wedding was a beautiful one and during the dinner I was the only photographer covering her 100 guest. I still remember that night I was shooting with a hungry stomach because dinner was not provided to me that night, but it was okay. While driving back to KL that night I realized that I have to keep my stomach filled or else I will be having health issues over time. Encountered with a group of cinematic videographers that day and we had a short portrait session after the tea ceremony, it was quite fun indeed but one thing that strike my mind while the videographers had asked her to repeat certain shots a couple of times. I began to ask myself why. You know for photographers like us we realize things as times goes on and I not really into repeating stuffs because I believe that photographers are suppose to capture things that happened, not create things to occur. I began to wonder why people would hire someone to create a movie that is based on the directors mind in a wedding and where is the value for true moments? Well this is something that I have been thinking during that 2 hrs drive back home.
