
A Mountain Path - Ivan & Eurris Pre-Wedding in Kota Kinabalu

I travel your length, like a river, 
I travel your body, like a forest, 
like a mountain path that ends at a cliff 
I travel along the edge of your thoughts, 
and my shadow falls from your white forehead, 
my shadow shatters, and I gather the pieces. 
-Octavio Paz-

Makeup and Hairdo: Remy Ngan

Its been a while since I use a poem for a theme. A mountain path is a theme created for Ivan and Eurris to signifies something memorable, something small yet big. Yes, everyone love good scenaries but those small little elements inside them carried out a larger picture of the theme. Ivan and Eurris had both registered their marriage few years ago and had not done their recemony part, only recently they had been called to plan for their wedding recemony and that was how I came into the picture to shoot their pre-wedding. :) Well not so "pre" after all, both had spent their marriage life for a while and I was so happy to see them blend with each other so well. I guess that is the power of "life". Although I have shot this place in Kundasang for numerous times but each time is different. The decision for this location was not happened just like that, this is the place where Ivan proposed to Eurris! So nice, a place for them to recall back old memories. Eurris was a little nervous at first before the trip where she afraid that Ivan might not smile, she said that Ivan only smile to the people he knew best, well I was surprised that he did his best and we had a great time together in this beautiful place. Ivan do smile~ Eurris is a bride that will make me remember, all from her nice character. A night before the shoot, Eurris handed me and Remy a gift, I was surprised because that was the first time I had received a gift from my couple before the shooting day haha... well it did made me a little stress at first. :p And another thing I kept on recalling about Eurris was, when we getting ready for the shoot, she said to herself "I felt so beautiful". It was the sweetest thing to hear. When a person felt that she is pretty, many things can happen, including my shots. Throughout the day, the session went so well, and I do really felt glad for them, that they decided to do a pre-wedding shot to remember those important things between them. Something that stimulated their love, emotions, and I believe they will take back something great beside the pictures. Remember both of you, always. 


Dennis Yap



Laughable Cause - Yee Khoon & Qiqi Wedding Day in Melaka

​Hmmm what can I say, sometimes we get to meet cam whore couples lol, couples that just love to take pictures, being crazy and have fun, one of my favourites besides of the serious ones. It is fine to do those hyperactive things when we are young, if one married at older age it is indeed very hard to meet those intensive games during gate crash. No choice for photographers, we have to stay fit at all times, bend our bodies, ready to kneel down, jump or even hide to capture those fast moving paces. This the days when photobooth become so popular, even a room can be a Photo Booth. This is where I love my job, to meet happy people everyday in my life.



A New Life Continues - Chuan & Merry Wedding Day

​Chuan and Merry had actually registered quite a while ago and both were so busy with their present job and finally it is the day to celebrate their love in beautiful Sekeping Brick House. This was the place where I got one of her best friend Siew Ping few years ago and this day, 2 other couples that I have covered is in the house, I feel so sinful not to post this picture of them here, where 3 couples together in the house, by Dennis Yap. I need to find some time to hang those significant pictures that I have snap on my wall, I really need time to do it, I know :D. Chuan and Merry had a little bot together, and now the boy has grown up, almost unable to recognise his mom's new look hehe. And next time, the boy will go through the same process, married with someone he loved so much, and life eventually continues, and thats the last picture on the slideshow which I wanted to present, life goes on and on....



A Cozy Celebration - Zairin & Jiyi Wedding Day in Andaman Resort Langkawi

​I was very excited when Zairin & Jiyi engaged my for their personal wedding ceremony in beautiful Andaman Resort Langkawi, where both of them will be flying all the way back from UK for this small little celebration. The wedding reception is a unique one where this is in fact a Malay wedding ceremony. One of our memorable encounter was the weather, right before the wedding ceremony starts a small down pour began and both Zairin and Yiyi was in fact getting a little nervous and Zairin said that the rain will not last long and we waited for it to stop. Thank God that it did, we all doesn't want all the effort to wasted for this small little rain. The sky show a lot mercy in this event, the rain actually hold on until the luncheon actually ended. And we did a couple of portraitures around Andaman area, until the rain gets heavy again. They are both lovely couple, sometimes I do felt that those peeps that came back over from UK are in fact quite genuine and real, well this is just my experience hehe. 



Butter & Strawberries - Joshua & Sam Pre-Wedding

​Know Joshua a while ago because he is one of the wedding photographer in Malaysia. The time I met Joshua I categorised him as one of the nerdy photographer, later when Joshua contacted me and said that he is getting married and ask for my quote I was surprised that he actually like my pictures, and get to know about his nerdy part of him was in fact going through some hard times in relationships. Both Joshua and Sam had gone through many years of relationship and of course many things happened in between but both of them had finally found each other and decided that its time to tie the knot. Sam trusted my works because she felt that I am able to express their relationship because we both shared similar educational background, both of us are actually from Independent schools and usually people from Chinese Independent schools have this so called nerdy and emotional part. We gone through some coffee time listening about their relationship and of course, it's simply never enough because they have gone through so many years of relationship LOL... and so we went to this decent place called Dusun Garden Fairies for their gown shot and wanted some old china feel for their casual shot but it ended with heavy down pour so we rescheduled the second session to other occasion. And surprisingly the day we did the casual shot was also raining so we opt for the shot in Publika. This is a unique couple who always bring down pours, check out my stories about their wedding day, it was heavy down pour as well LOL, its not my fault, hahah.... but it ended nicely.

Butter & Strawberry, both are weird mix but if you add a little effort they taste awesome together. :) Theme created for Joshua and Sam.



The Natural Element n4 - Master the Subject Photography Workshop is here again

The Natural Element n4.jpg

Dear ALL, by public demand, The Natural Element is here again and it will be held for the first time in Dennis Yap Photography Home Studio~ I guess this will be the best place for workshops from now onwards. There are simply abundant resources and space around the area to carry out shots for practices. Students now can have the opportunity to explore my workspace to add knowledge on handling photographs. As usual, this workshop is to help individual understand their camera's hidden tools and by mastering the basics, it enable them to fully utilize their heart to capture shots that actually speaks. And guess what, we will use a gown this time!

Please RSVP your attendance HERE. Early bird will get a Rm50 discount by making your payment before 10th March.

We will not stop from here, all participants will also be invited to our little community and you will mingled with other people that have attended my workshops for further learning and sharing. Its also a good time to make friends. 



The Dream in Action

Photography is a business, but it serve as a platform to accomplish greater goals - to contribute to the society, to inspire new generations, to extend the relationships of one another, to bring back our true self, and to stimulate more great people for many generations to come. Making the world a better place.

Today I made a birthday wish, my wish was hoping that more younger generations can be inpired from my small little vision. If you asked me what kind of vision I have, my answer will be from my work, my slideshows, my hard work, all in my life and pictures. Its a little hard to be specific, it is equally challenging to address as well. One need to be sensitive to discover that. Though I have a lot to say about it but I will reserve it for next occasion. I can't seemed to sleep tonight because there are simply too many things to do and I need to sit down and see where shall I start from. For this year I have cut down 30% of my capacity in order for me to achieve it and I know time is running out and I need to make full use of it asap. I will keep you updated. :)



Love Chrystalization - Eddie & Julia Church Wedding in Singapore

​After Eddie and Julia's pre-wedding in Malaysia, finally its their wedding day in Singapore. Both of them are true lovers for God that is why this day is very significant both of them. I still recall what the pastor had said to Eddie and Julia, that a marriage is not just the wedding day but its a everlasting commitment, and Eddie and Julia agreed so, Julia gave Eddie a happy look, truly satisfied with what they have gone through with each other. Both of them are indeed like the happiest couple of the day, the joy that expressed from both of their heart, rejoice together with the Lord. Me and Eddie had quite a long story from engaging my service until the wedding day, and during their wedding dinner, Eddie's superior had spoke about Eddie's character that he is a person that will never try to judge you or even make you feel unhappy, Eddie will try his best to make you feel good by all means. I really agreed with what his superior had spoke about Eddie and I believe it is a great virtue to learn from him, because in life, it is really hard to make everyone happy at the same time. 



Recalling Memories - Marcus & Yien Wah Wedding Day

​Yien Wah is the sister of one of my old friend back in college, a wedding day tea ceremony that is filled with joy and laughers, while Marcus from Germany get to experience the totally new experience. Marcus was a little nervous at first but end up quite enjoying the whole wedding day ceremony process. It was a blessful day to witness one of the best tea ceremony organised. The tea ceremony started by Yien Wah's elder sister pouring the tea, explaining the reason for the tea ceremony and such, and it all happened beautifully.

Yien Wah is living all the way in the US now and seldom get to visit home, and now she is making up in her old bedroom, which the family preserved its originality for her while she was away, and I just love to capture her together with the picture of her mom and dad getting married, I believe this picture will give significant meaning over the years. This family were filled with joy and emotions. And ended making a few fall with tears while looking at the slideshow.
