
A Jovial Covenant - Loo & Evonne Pre-Wedding

Loo & Evonne is another fun couple who wanted something simple and nice, both of them seldom take pictures together and they get a little nervous at first but I asked them to enjoy their day so that the pictures can turn out nice. It is hard for Evonne to choose the right gown due to her size and I asked her to try consider get it made to measure and That Special Occasion and she did. While all their friends have been opt for Bridal Studios to have their pictures done and Loo and Evonne decided to try out something different from me, they like the natural style which I have presented and the vision that I propose to them. We had a mixture of beloved session and some fun poses and both of them really enjoyed the day. Before Evonne receive the pictures she was very nervous about how the picture turn out to be and just within a month I called them that their pictures are ready for collection. The moment they see the slideshow, it is Loo that get very excited haha.. Loo said that the pictures are awesome and he didn't really expect that their pictures and the slideshow can be told like a story, he was pretty excited and went to tell his friends about hiring a freelance like us. The song that I used and pictures presented are intent to create a story of them that is strong and certain so when they look at it they can feel the certainties and strong relationship within. Evonne was surprised that Loo received such a great impact from it. And we laughed.... lol...  

Many times couple often treat the pre-wedding session as part of the process but to me, it is indeed an important part. It can turn out to be important, all depends on how we look at it. In the beginning Loo and Evonne wanted to take pictures because they wanted to get married, but I tried to make them see the session differently, it can be a day to remember, to recall, and to discover.



A Little Kindle of our Love - Edwin & Ethel Pre-Wedding @Sydney

Had a wonderful time with Edwin & Ethel during their pre-wedding session in Sydney. Both of them are truly amazing couple and when I first get in touch with Ethel I knew that this bride is something different lol, both of them know what they looking for and love the way I take pictures. Me and Ethel have been bugging with each other once in a while and I love to bug her while she is busy lol. Love making fun with each other, share pictures, talk about pictures or anything that is fun. Edwin and Ethel put me in their house in sydney and had a wonderful week there. The first time I met Edwin and I noticed that he likes to sit infront of his computer playing online games hehe like I used to do back in college. So by looking their lifestyle I noticed that the relationship has been many years and its time for me to feed in something meaningful during the session the next day. Ethel have been very busy with her work as an architech, and Edwin has been very understanding and both of them understand each other pretty well, so in a way I noticed that it might be possible that Edwin have not been sentimental for a while but I know that he wanted to show Ethel how loving he is. So a night before the wedding we both spoke about the pre-wedding session and ask them to enjoy the day as much as possible, like a day that they will never forget, remember those important time together and create the most lasting memory that both have ever done. 

Taking away all my expectations, I allow them to expect more between them. :) I notice something different between them. The warm up session was alright but slowly Edwin started to express his care to Ethel, and all the fun and emotions just pour from that time onwards. I know Edwin will appreciate the space that I given to him to express what he longed to express, something hard for us to express in daily lives. How important this day is for both of them. And Ethel receive the physical message from Edwin. Right after the session, Ethel told me that they love the session so much and I told them to do it every year... haha and they laughed. After my flight back home I got this facebook message from Ethel and she thank for the memorable session and she also mentioned that Edwin had changed after the session, but a good one. The moment I saw that message my eyes about to pour because I have seeded something meaningful in their lives, which in turn made them discover something new within them, the session became more important than the pictures. And July I will be covering their wedding day in Bali, now getting excited~



Let the Love Dwell in Us - Soon Yean & June Actual Wedding Day, Church Wedding

Soon Yean and June are both happy couples but they have specific expectations on their pictures as well. Soon Yean and I were collegues in the old days where we used to spent time playing majongs during chinese new year lol... they have narrowed down a few photographers in their consideration and the reason they picked me must have been a specific reason. So I just shoot like I used to and June is just a pretty bride plus a smart girl lol. Their wedding were packed with many activities from morning until dinner, everything was fun and energetic. A tiring day for all of us haha. But one of the touching part I have witness on Soon Yean was his journey with God, his vision has changed a lot ever since he met June, while talking to him he seemed to be very visionary and with a good purpose, he said that he is discovering God even more everyday, and I guess June has given him the light. And I still remember Soon Yeans parents, they both are active in facebook, while seeing both of them had used my pictures for thier profile pics, I felt that they have enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for having me Soon Yean and June~



Somewhere in Time - Hong Ann & Pei Yin Pre-Wedding

Hong Ann and Pei Yin is a unique couple, where Hong Ann is a busy business man who always on call. Both of them enjoyed life together and they had their prewedding session right after they had their baby girl. Pei Yin asked if she can include her baby girl in the portrait session and my answer was why not lol. It will be very fun and memorable to have their baby inside, signifies family love and new venture in life. Before we had the prewedding I told them to treat the day as enjoyable as possible, a day that they can never forget lol, but one thing is we can never fight with reality, as Hong Ann has to answe his phone calls in between many of the prewedding sessions. However, I allowed it to happened because it's suppose to be their own time to be remembered. I can't do anything about it but after the session I do wish that the phone call was not in place so that Hong Ann can enjoy the day better. We had lots of shots taken and in the end of the session I realized that Pei Yin was a little uneasy with the phone so I told them at the end of the session will be a little different but the groom the groom has to place his phone in the car first lol. Wow amazing, I just love the shots that was captured in the end of the session, where Hong Ann was very into it by expressing his care to Pei Yin and they all had their most honest and truthful session in the last hour, plus amazing sunlight and flares, signified a divine love and intimacy off from their expressions. Everything was very spontaneous and real, I really glad that the phone was put away, I guess I have made the right call. Hehe. When Pei Yin received her pictures we had a short phone conversation and she told me that the pictures was not so intriguing at first but she the more that she looked at it, the more she love the pictures. Yes that is true, my pictures had never focus to give the best first impression but I want them to last longer so the more you see them, the more you be able to appreciate them so the pictures will never dies easily. Thanks To both of you, and hope you enjoyed your new journey ahead with these pictures.



Image of Amaranthine - KA & Bobo Pre-Wedding in Pangkor Laut

Yes! I am so glad so many nice couples have engaged me for this year, without their nice personality the year 2011 will be a tough one lol. Both KA and Bobo has been very nice and they never push me for delivery so in turn I am able to deliver their pictures with a unique quality, even though it was still within the delivery timeline. We had our session in pangkor laut, haha we had so many nice foods there and all in all we had such a great and memorable time together, more like a good vacation lol. Since Bobo has very less expectations but I guess they have seemed my advice well and finally they got a nice dress for their casual session lol. We had our beloved portrait all the way throughout the day and so many imaginations had I have put in place for them. I guess it is a day they will never forget. Both of them are so loving and KA is such a great man and always being very patient and understand Bobo. Their inward beauty is strong, good character plus down to earth, they can't be any nicer than that.
Bobo was very active in Facebook and whenever I post something in my page, she will most likely be the first one who liked it lol. Thanks for their support, I really hope we can bring our friendship even further. Both of them are truly a nice couple. Love you both!



For the Moments - Ivan & Chloe Actual Wedding Day and Solemnization

I found that most of the couple that have engaged me has a specific expectations that's why they will never go for bridal shops because they see the difference that we can offer them, such as personalized, passion, level of service. It's not hard to satisfy them as long as you have the passion to satisfy them. For Chloe she has her own specific demand and I got to say that her demand is high lol, all vendors that have worked with Chloe will say that this is one of the hardest bride to satisfy lol because she expects a lot of us. However, our pace is pretty smooth and I found no issues working with her, maybe my virtue is to set my expectations higher than what she expected. I guess is comes back to how passionate we are, how perfect we see our level of service and how hard to strive to deliver our product. Chloe is recommended from one of my ex bride and she have seen what I have to offer, I guess our virtues sort of click somewhere but I love to service bride with high expectations like Chloe lol, because this is also define our existence. Sometimes I even take in her fault as my own fault because I wanted her to receive the best product. Something which malaysia market needs.



A Reflection of Joy - Faridz & Dayana Malay Wedding Dinner

Faridz and Dayana were introduced from Ikmal, one of the participants in my workshop, both of them are very natural indeed, they are both a very open minded couple and I love Dayana's gown, it's complicated yet elegant. It is my first time to discovered that couples actually hired 3 photographers for there wedding, then I make friend with the other 2 shooters, they were very friendly and it was nice to see some old friends in the wedding dinner like Ceci and Ikmal. Dayana is a great poser, she can spot you from far away and she will start to give you this cute poses for you to shoot lol, we had a wonderful time and to be a little different, we had a short beloved portrait session after the dinner and I think to them, this kind of portrait session is indeed unique and I guess Dayana will remember the tiny little imaginations that I put in place for them.



The Unification - Chen Tong & Samantha Church Wedding

Chen Tong and Samantha was one of the couple introduced by my ex couple Kah Leong and Evelyn. Both of them were in the same church and I was so happy to meet their church members again and I was so happy that many people was not a stranger to me, I still remember a couple of them where they gave me a smile when they saw me, like we knew each other before. I love to capture church weddings. Their church is filled with nice people and they all are very down to earth and friendly. Both of them had their church wedding in a church in brickfields and I just love the ambient of this church. This time I saw Kah Leong carrying his camera and now he is a passionate photographer lol, and love to meet Evelyn again, it's like we are all old friends. These small little things kept in my heart for a long time and I will never forget those small little things we encountered. I remembered Chen Tong's speech about his iPad and iPhone lol that was really funny indeed and he cried while he was doing his testimony, it was so touching and I fell in tears with them, my eyes were wet while I was shooting, I tried to hide from people noticing my tears but I decided not to because many of them were crying as well lol. It was indeed a touching moment, I never will forget this one.



Family Reunion - Fereydoun & Karen Wedding Party at Passion Road

Another unique wedding assignment where I have covered for Fereydoun and Karen. Fereydoun is from Iran and they had their wedding dinner in passion road KL. love their smile and Fereydoun is a very natural person. The whole event was pretty westernized and they end their wedding dinner after the cake cutting ceremony. Since Karen will be leaving the country few days after, I managed to provide her pictures with less than 2 days, another record breaking delivery timeline. This is the best service that I can offer them them. Wish both of you enjoy your new journey together. :)



Living in Kokomo - Chun Yew & Shen Shen Pre-Wedding Portrait

Yes! Chun Yew and Shen Shen, one of my best couple ever! Both of them were very friendly and we had a very enjoyable session, Chun Yew works in his own business, he has his own spectacle shop so I suggested for them to use a few of his nerdy spectacles for the shoot and they did. Chun Yew owned a Beagle and Shen Shen owned a cat, initially we wanted to add the beagle and the cat in the session but we decided to carry out the shoot in Melaka. They are both couples that appreciate life together and very down to earth, for this series I used a very young theme for them, yet looking a little vintage plus some film effects in the editing because Chun Yew is a big fan of old camera. At first they thought that I will produce them with a romantic theme but in return I produce them with a happy theme, I guess this has surprised them and they SMS me and said thank for the happy theme, everything seems very happy and wonderful. Lol. The sideshow had captured many attention while displayed during the dinner session and now I received another assignment for one of his partner and they have secured a session with me in Bali, yey, another different theme to be developed. Hehe.
