
Harmonious Note of Life - Alfred & Hui Mee Pre-Wedding in Bali

Had a memorable session during my Bali trip with Alfred and Hui Mee. It was my first time meeting this couple as both of them working in Perth. Alfred handles Contracts in a company in Perth and Hui Mee is someone who loves photography. Actually both of them had registered for quite some time already and never had a proper portrait session, and just happened I was in Bali and they joined my trip here and have some decent shots. We did plenty of Beloved sessions for this one, made them recall back their old memories, like the day they first met. We had lots of imaginations going on here. I guess the session brings something different to Hui Mee as I believe living in Perth was very stable, everything is going very smooth and seldom had ups and downs like working in a hectic city. So during the session made the ups and downs LOL, I still remember that Hui Mee was almost about to cry during the end of the session. I guess for so many years they have spent with each other, it is hard for her to imagine those days without Alfred. And I believe after the session, those things that had recalled during that day, will further prolong their relationship for many years to come. Really thanks for having me.

And for the first time, I tripped myself during the session near the volcanoe and hard some minor leg injuries. For that moment I began to understand the importants for my physical conditions, and after I went back I went to buy an insurance for myself LOL. However, I do not think there is an insurance for my gears because during the injury I hurt my precious lens too. :p



Love In Paradise - Edwin & Ethel Chapel Reception in Infinity Chapel Conrad, Bali.

Edwin & Ethel, one of my favorite couple ever since we did our shot back in Sydney. And this time she made me go to one of the dream location for many photographers, which is the Infinity Chapel in Conrad Bali. The wedding was a small one, with group of close friends and families, one of my favorite event LOL. It all started early morning with the tea ceremony session where her relatives from malaysia and taiwan came over. All unite here in Bali. In this wedding Ethel was the worried one and Edwin was the calm one lol. After so many months I can still recall the eyes of Edwin staring at Ethel while she marching in the Chapel, with all the beautiful songs from the talented choir team. For that moment, I can feel deep inside Edwin's heart that "Finally It's here, after so many years" and with his assured lips. It was strong, powerful, and came Ethel, the serene one who is about to unite to the man Edwin LOL... to be honest, I think anyone that has been here will imagine all kinds of wonderful stories out from those story books that they have read. 

Right after the Chapel session we all went to the bus and hop to a classic elegant restaurant in Bali, I forgot the name of it but that place was quite cool. Was an enjoyable session, shooting and the same time have some nice chat with Ethel's friends and relatives. And that's about it, the day ended with joy and bunch of nice memories.

Well, I wanted to record this memory of mine here with Ethel, right after both Edwin and Ethel had left. Ethel lost the pre-wedding album I made for her in Changi airport~ LOL. I was almost about to replicate for her and thank God she found her album back in Changi, that was amazing isn't it. 



The Day We Fell In Love - Yon Hon & Shir Yee Pre-Wedding

Yon Hon and Shiryee, both down to earth young couple who will spent their time living in Hong Kong for a while. I couldn't find the best word to describe them, I believe I can say they are like a sweet and classic music. The emotions that Yon Hon reflected towards Shir Yee, is soft and gentle, can see that a man like Yon Hon would treat Shiryee like an angel in his heart. 

Both of them met each other in a company gathering and just happened that both of them bumped with each other in Pullman Hotel Putrajaya. Just right at that moment Yon Hon & Shiryee have been getting along pretty well, its like a perfect cherical reaction that mixed them together, from that time onwards, nothing seemed to able to seperate them. I believe in our lives, it is fortunate to found someone that we really cherish and some people can just click and gone smooth all the way. 

I began to realized that many people might not have felt so strong like both of them, many people might still suffering from relationship problem and I wanted to use this series to infect those people that seek for hope in relationship, hoping that by seeing those truthfulness that reflected out from these new couple, people can find new hope in their lives, and so that more people will be willing dream! Thats my vision in their series, thought we didn't spoke a lot about this but hopefully when Yon Hon able to see what I wrote here he can finally understand my heart behind it. Thanks for showing me those important moment in your heart. All the best in Hong Kong!



A Wish for Tomorrow - Swee Wah & Wai Jinn Pre-Wedding

Swee Wah & Wai Jinn are both united with a strong love and frienship. First engaged by one of their good friend Lai Peng, and they decided to use the same photographer together in their wedding. Thanks for trusting my work. There are many barriers to be broken in this session, but I couldn't forget the final moment in our session where I have them look at the beautiful scene of sun light and ask them it cherish it. Life is like many encounters, and it is not always we sitting on this authentic place with this sun light, engaging the love of one another. If we try to act upon it, we will missed it, if we cherish it, then in the end everything became wonderful in return, we make this very moment being an important part in our lives.



Live . Laugh . Love - Michael & Veron Pre-Wedding

Michael and Veron was a smooth and easy one. Both of them wanted something natural and authentic. When we spoke with each other everything just click. Both of them has always the award holder of "The most laughter" list. Yes they laughed all the wa in the session LOL. Well I was worried at first because they might be too stressful lol, but I guess those are real. Michael's work is all about meat works, we shared a lot about the veef industry and such. Both of them are just too cute LOL. I still remember our giant pizza session in between the shoot, and another moment I can't forget is the moment Michael receives the album and gave me a big thank you, he really mean it. They ordered a second album for their family ^^... I felt a little regret about our last good bye because I was meeting another couple while they came over to pick up the album. Well I wish both of you all the best, and do update us. :)



Closer Together - Albert & Angie Pre-Wedding @Melaka

Albert and Angie are both unique couple where I can always feel the love within them, cherish the time they had spent with each other, the moment I hear Albert describe about their love, I can feel that he really meant it from the tone of his words, and Albert will never shy to share how he felt for Angie. While Angie being the receiver and even she seemed to be a little shy, I can feel deep inside her that she has the strong feeling like how Albert feel too. Both are graphic designers and I always feel great to have people that does art came over to search for us, these people are very specific with the artistic outcome. We had a very tight shooting schedules as they wanted everything from me. Especially the final part which is the sunset. We almost end our shoot because of the rain but God was very nice to us that day, the sunset were even stronger right after the rain. I still remember how excited when we saw the LIGHT! Everyone of us went crazy because in Malaysia, the golden period for sunsets are very short. However, thanks for all the coorperations from Albert and Angie, we managed to capture LOTs of nice shots from there LOL. I can sensed how serious they treat their pre-wedding. Had lots of laughs and such in between, I felt like I'm a super director that day, and a good story teller (with words). Right after we delivered the pictures to them, Angie asked what was the song I used in the slideshow and I was so surprised that Albert actually sing that song out loud during their wedding dinner. Not to mentioned Angie's loving daddy, who had so much inspirations from receiving my work. He was glad that we managed to make Angie beautiful, like a princess. And I used their pictures in many of our advertorial and marketing work. And people raised their eye brows that those shots were actually captured not in anywhere else, its in Melaka. What I want to say to them is just the same old words, thanks for having me. Both of you are awesome. 



Building New Sentiment - Edmond & Wei Yee ROM

Edmond and Wei Yee has been a familiar name in our list as Wei Yee is an active supporter in our facebook page, a quite demanding bride who wanted everything as sweet as it can be and as perfect as the outcome can turn out to be. Right after the portrait session Wei Yee asked if I would like to join their luncheon session in Caffeinees, and right after I saw their nice decoration I began to understood how detail Wei Yee she is, she made all the decoration herself. I just love her sister's daughter so I can't resist to post a picture of them here LOL. I think they got very addicted with phototaking after that day and Wei Yee and I began to chat a numerous of times lol, I almost followed their europe tour LOL, that was scary but too bad it clashes with one of my assignments and I think Edmond was able to take a deep breath after that haha. They are one of the most natural couples, even I did not shoot their wedding day but we shared a lot about wedding and such, gave her a couple of tips etc. She's one of the happy bride ^_^. Thanks Wei Yee and Edmond for having me to capture your most specious moment in your lives, I guess there will be a lot more happy things that will come by in your lives. And I know both of you will cherish them all. Hope to see you again. Love, Dennis.



Home Sweet Home - Ricky & Vickee Pre-Wedding

Fierce wife vs loving husband lol.... Ricky made his proposal to Vickee when they just moved in to their new home. Vickee were all dirty due to cleaning up and Ricky told her its not important and he hand over the ring (Vickee cried of course ^^) They cherish life and looking forward for having a home together. Thats how they felt strong to have a shoot here...

I know Vickee's sisters since college where her sis rented a room in my house during her college times, and Vickee is someone with a unique quality, she doesn't want dramatic things and super posing pictures, which fits well in our vision. They were quite struggling on where to shoot for their pre-wedding pictures, and after understand more about them I suggested to have the shoot in their own home. They were quite worried at first because they afraid there isn't anything to shoot LOL. Well one night I made a trip to their home, and we shared a lot about the shoot, they just leave everything to me. Ricky was a sentimental guy at heart, he had so much feeling about their relationships. And the moment I hear how he shared about his story, my heart just melt and I decided to have something like this for them. He had a short beloved session that lasted the whole day of shooting, and the reason we picked a railroad for the gown shoot because they know each other in a train station. A lot of stories just happened there. A very long journey to come to this far, to have their own house together, wanted to build a home together. Thanks for giving the trust on me to be able to create something simpleyet nice, and cheeky and cheerful. And I loved the kitchen session we had, I guess the background music add a lot of spice in the air. hehe.



Young At Heart - Mdm Suah 60th Birthday Bash

One day I received a call from Mdm Suah's daughter said she wanted to do a surprise party for her mom's 60th birthday bash in Premiere Hotel in Klang, I got excited because it is something refreshing. Its a wonderful night where all crazy happening friends gather together, get drunk, sing songs, to celebrate this special day for Mdm Suah. The event was quite small with less than 10 tables but there are simple many small little things to capture, especially my favorite - Kids! Yes I love shooting kids and I capture a few in every once in a while, they are the elements that made me smile everytime. Whenever I captured those funny moments I would look at the camera screen and smile. Snap snap all the way, a night I remember very well because people there are just nice and friendly. Thanks for having me to cover this special event, and wish Mdm Suah forever happy. Keep smiling.



Love Revivify - Keegan & Charlene Pre-Wedding

Keegan & Charlene were introduced by a bride that I shot before in Singapore. Keegan & Charlene and I communicate over the email and finally able to meet them during the actual pre-wedding shooting day. I still remember the great hospitality I had while staying over night in Charlene's place, it was just as good as staying in a hotel. During those days the main trend in Singapore pre-wedding is the well known Tanjung Pagar train station where it about to shut down in a month time. And the experience I had with them was extroverted versus introverted. Charlene was the expressive one while Keegan was the reserved one but it went pretty well, I spend so much time to open their hearts, so that they get some valuable pictures in return, and of course not to forget snapping those fine art pictures which they wanted as well. We went to a few places in Singapore for some snaps and the most unforgetable experience was the tanjung pagar train station. We saw flocks of photographers with all kinds of cameras trying to snap the arrival of the train. And while I have them stand beside the railway on the other side, side me was dozens of photographers trying to snap the same shot with me, haha that was quite funny, when I count 3-2-1, and you hear snapping sound all the way, I wonder why they need to snap so many with the same scene, while I just satisfied with a few snaps. :D And I never forget Charlene's mom, I felt that she was the nicest mom in Singapore, looking young as well, at first I ask the mom if she is Charlene's sister, LOL. I guess she felt great with that compliments. Looking forward to snap their actual wedding day.
